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tinnitus photography

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  1. I saw King Diamond on Halloween, which is kinda perfect. last night we went to see the Devo documentary. so good!
  2. yeah i had no idea he was that charismatic and energetic. wonderful show, had never seen them before.
  3. good piece on Electrical Audio w/ Tweedy content. https://www.inc.com/joshua-hunt/steve-albini-left-behind-a-towering-music-legacy-and-a-struggling-business/90986134
  4. was that one of those intimate fundraising shows?
  5. as a record nerd i am disappointed i didn't buy and decorate on at Solid Sound. kudos to the winner though!
  6. PJ Harvey was outstanding. Go see her if you have even a small chance.
  7. Fu Manchu last night, PJ Harvey tonight.
  8. i bought a GA ticket... shooting him officially is a pain so i am gonna take my chances getting in line super early and bringing in a point and shoot.
  9. saw Kid Congo Powers last night, fun show.
  10. good seeing you briefly! 'twas a wonderful evening.
  11. really good! he's got a good voice too. excellent set list.
  12. yeah i am not compulsive enough to care about every last detail, but as I see photos of set lists in my photo archive i check setlist.fm and update/revise/create as needed. I also went through the archived issues of the Boston Phoenix for a while and searched club listings and added shows i remembered going to in the 90s (and some others too).
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