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Solid Sound Line Up?

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First, they announced that this year they would be doing two shows this year.

I am going to pull this answer out of my ass (because this is all speculation at this point), but I'd venture to say that they'd play on Saturday and Sunday.

Although, holding Wilco last on Sunday may make traffic hectic for people looking to get out of there. I'm guessing that the second show is going to be somewhat acoustic, much like they did on the "An Evening With" shows.


By that same logic, I'd venture to say that I don't think that Wilco would be on Friday because too many people may be coming in out of town and there would also be a clusterf&ck of traffic coming into town.


2010: Pronto & The Books headlined Friday

Wilco for Saturday

and on Sunday Tweedy closed out the festival by about 6p.m. or so.


Edit: Actually, by looking at the individual day passes you can kind of tell that Wilco would indeed play on Saturday. It is the most expensive, but that's probably because it is the day with the most stuff going on. (whereas on Friday it is only from 7pm on and on Sunday things were done relatively early 6pm)

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Yeah, I think Saturday for the rilly big show is a given. The questions in my mind are what they'll be doing Friday night and Sunday afternoon. Did you guys see the email from Wilco HQ on Thursday? It specifically said:


As the first programming details trickle in, here's what we know: Wilco play TWO HEADLINE SHOWS this year and as we've come to expect, they'll undoubtedly cook up some pretty special stuff for the occasion.


This seems to pretty specifically indicate a distinction from last year, where there was one Wilco show and one Jeff solo + friends. I agree that a full Wilco concert on Friday night might be unexpected , with some people maybe arriving late. But still people do manage to make it to 8:00 or 9:00 Friday night shows all the time, so maybe it's not out of the question. Also, there's the same potential issue on Sunday, with some people maybe wanting to leave early to get back to work. :rolleyes


If you recall they didn't announce Jeff Tweedy Solo till sometime much closer to the event last year, and it did seem like a perfect, mellow way to put the final touches on the weekend--Jeff solo and intimate, then bringing out various performers from the rest of the weekend, then the rest of Wilco joining in for a few songs to go out with a bang.


So dare we hope that there will be a full Wilco concert on both Friday and Saturday nights, followed by something akin to Jeff Solo on Sunday afternoon? :nailbite:nailbite


Also, since I don't see that anyone else has posted it, here is some other, not exactly news, but still reassuring to see coming directly from HQ:


As that cold wind sweeps across the lake into Chicago, Wilco are holed up at the Loft, working away on their next record. We promise we'll have some pretty exciting news about that real soon.
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