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About Magnetized

  • Rank
    I Must Be high
  • Birthday 05/07/1950

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  • Location
    Norfolk, VA

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  1. https://www.facebook.com/groups/302810113453575/permalink/2088481974886371/?
  2. I’ve really enjoyed your show recaps, Vince. And I salute your intrepid road trip!
  3. I seem to remember that Chris Kattan and his girlfriend were serenaded by Jeff at the Letters to Santa auction a few months ago.
  4. And best liner notes for the YHF deluxe edition went to Bob Mehr, who wrote Trouble Boys about The Replacments.
  5. Thanks for your tremendous reportage on these shows, sir! With your setlist and Lady Susan’s videography, I think we are covered for night 4 except for one thing. Who was the opener? It looked like Judd Apatow was backstage so I’m guessing it was him but can you confirm?
  6. Great write up, as usual. Next best thing to being there. Fascinating to hear about the new song, both lyrically and the way he sang it. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that he shares it on Starship Casual at some point, but there’s nothing like hearing it for the first time in a setting like Largo. Keep ‘em coming!
  7. Nice report, Vince. How did the unruly audience react to Anbulance? And how was the singing along to the more familiar songs?
  8. I was also up front so hard to gauge the enthusiasm level elsewhere, but it seemed like there was more than usual singing along (accurately!) and great, warm crowd responses. A friend who was farther back and lived in New Orleans said she thought it was an especially receptive crowd, and Jeff seemed genuinely pleased and appreciative. It was an absolutely stellar set and I can’t wait for tonight!
  9. I’m no Bbop but since I was there I’ll try to give you a flavor of this festival and Wilco’s setlist. It was a 3-day festival set in the Botanical Gardens in Memphis. Apparently the festival has morphed a bit. It used to known by another name and was held elsewhere in town, but they seem to have settled on Memphofest in this location. There were two stages, one larger than the other and not too far apart, and they alternated set times so theoretically you could have seen all the acts on the bill if you didn’t care where you stood. No chairs allowed, and it was a late festival running from arou
  10. For anyone on Facebook, there’s a thread you might be interested in. https://www.facebook.com/groups/390889574423674/permalink/2256017774577502/
  11. It’s always so interesting to read your take on things, Paul. I can’t wait to hear your further thoughts about the “Era of Good Feelings” and what you discern from Jeff’s specific reactions. I think we can assume (hope?) this Wilco era won’t devolve into chaos the way it did in the United States!
  12. Hope all of our VC friends can join in a group photo shoot at Solid Sound. Meet under the WILCO letters at 4:00* (see correction below) on Saturday wearing your favorite Wilco or Tweedy Show gear. No RSVP needed but here’s a link to the Facebook event. https://fb.me/e/1N13T1oFQ ***Admin Edit from kidsmoke: Diane has advised me that the photo shoot time has been moved to 2:00 p.m. Everybody don your Wilco finery and come join us for a SSF 7 commemorative photo!!!
  13. Boy, it was like a balm for the soul to read your recap, Paul. I wasn’t there last night but will be for the rest of the NY shows, and I was fuming after reading so many hateful/hurtful comments in the Facebook group. I was bitterly disappointed to see people expressing outrage and accusing Wilco of getting soft and lazy. How could they be so shortsighted and entitled? Your review put me in a better frame of mind, but I may never get over my negative feelings about some of the so-called “fans.”
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