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About theashtraysays

  • Rank
    High at the Wheel
  • Birthday 08/03/1962

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  • Location
    Lexington, Kentucky

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  1. Low Cut Connie (again). This time at my very favorite venue (The Burl) in my very own city (Lexington). Still gonna schvitz I'm sure. So. Much. Fun.
  2. Low Cut Connie. Outdoors. There will be Schvitzing.
  3. The fb group (a private group - must be “approved” to join) is called A Shot in the Arm and has 12k members. It’s weird in that even though you have to use your real name (as opposed to here where you usually have anonymity), the trolling and bitching are just bananas. Kinda like here back when things were obnoxious as hell like 15-20 years ago. VC actually seems like it’s the grown up table and fb is where the bratty kids (5%) and the fanboys (25%) hang out and collide on a regular basis while the majority just kinda watches. VC seems to have actual discussion. WHO KNEW?
  4. This seems to be behaving again this morning for me. Thanks !!
  5. I can still get to the forums directly, but the "All Activity" and "Unread Content" buttons don't seem to be working for the past couple weeks. I get this message on my laptop or phone browser (Firefox) when I try either of those Sorry, there is a problem Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: EX144
  6. Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band. Rescheduled TWICE… I’ve had this ticket forever it seems. Gonna be worth the wait tho.
  7. I won't be going to RSD on Saturday (out of town, and not a huge vinyl collector anyway), but I can check on Monday and see if our local record shop still has a copy if you didn't score one over the weekend. I'm in the US by the way. I presume we met last month?? I'm Vince - I was at all the shows there.
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