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About oecourt

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    A Cherry Ghost

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  1. FWIW, Courtney Marie Andrews did not share the mic with Jeff on California Stars at this show. Will upload my recording soon on Dime, make sure to check the pics of that beautiful location.
  2. Thanks for the review as always. You And I was on the setlist, in place of Company In My Back I think. I think the sound got worse during the show, especially Jeff's voice. But still impressive acoustics, I do however agree about the missing 'Oomph'. I was 15 seats to your right and one row behind and while this is not at arm's length to the stage I still love to have a panoramic view sometimes. Harpa itself is an architectonic triumph, will wander around a but more tonight. See you, C.
  3. Hi Paul, many thanks for the steady flow of reports from all over Europe. We could only make it to the Elbphilharmonie this time around. I saw you from the balcony but did not see you after the show to meet, greet and hug you. The missus sends greetings as well, we'll try to do better next time. Have fun on the next leg of the Joytour.
  4. Hi all - due to the loss of a family member I can't go to Zurich tomorrow and now have two spare tickets. Our friends will go nevertheless, so a meeting and exchange in front of the venue tomorrow evening would probably be possible. If interested, please get in touch. thanks very much, Carsten
  5. Ah, I think I saw you with Stan while I packed up my gear. I did the same afterwards, with same results and Spiders, yea, that clapping actually was in double-time. And coming back to what Paul wrote in his first posting to this show, I think the reason for NOT playing Kingpin was that Jeff probably thinks that "Let the Audience sing Jesus, Etc.", "Let the Audience clap the break in Spiders" AND "Make the Audience scream in Kingpin" ist just too much of a good thing. Honestly, I think one of these three per night would be enough.
  6. great to meet you again, Paul. and what a fine show that was, Jeff was definitely focussed on playing well. a no-nonsense show ! two things - first, for "Fastnacht", see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnival#Europe second, the 'soccer' match was when they LAST played Zurich, 2004-06-30 for the nerds, that was the semi-finale of the Euro 2004 in Portugal, Portugal - Netherlands 2:1
  7. thanks to the two of you, this is much appreciated. A very fine recording indeed and I am glad the show is as good as I remembered :-) Samuel, I hope you had a nice holiday ! C.
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