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New Cornershop tomorrow (3/15)!

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As great as their last album was, I am really excited for this one. Coming out tomorrow! Curious to see if they are staying on the same arena rock tip that they had on Judy, of if they go back to the more Eastern-flavored thing that they had on albums like Woman's Gotta Have It or When I Was Born for the 7th Time.

They're a fairly inconsistent band, but when they nail it, they really nail it. Hoping they can make it 2 in a row.



Okay, so AMG already has their (3.5-star) review up. Sounds like it's going in a different direction from Judy. But it still sounds like I'll dig it:

Following up Judy Sucks a Lemon for Breakfast in exceedingly timely fashion -- a mere two years compared to the seven that separated that 2009 effort from 2002’s Handcream for a Generation -- Cornershop capitalize on their Indian tradition, bringing in Bubbley Kaur for a collection of pop with a Punjabi punch. The vocals and flourishes are strongly Punjabi -- songs are often sung in the language, not English as they usually are on a Cornershop LP -- but these are essentially trappings for a collection of multicultural dance-pop not too dissimilar from the group’s albums since 1997. As on Judy Sucks, this is a blessing and a curse: Cornershop’s blends are still rich and flavorful yet they have the whiff of old fashion, still tied heavily to the post-rave years of trip-hop and Brit-pop, trends they fought and embraced in equal measure. Kaur’s presence gives The Double-O Groove just enough of a different tone to make a difference -- it doesn’t feel comfortably recycled as Judy sometimes did -- yet it doesn’t quite open doors to new avenues either.
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