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Wilco mention in CNN Chuck Klosterman interview

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Klosterman's seventh book, "The Visible Man," came out yesterday. He mentions Wilco in the interview with CNN.


CNN: Do you think your opinion of interviewing will erode to the point where you no longer interview people or get interviewed?


Klosterman: What else would I do? I mean, I'm a journalist. There's certainly a thinking, and I didn't see this as much when I worked in newspapers, but when I moved to New York and ended up being surrounded mostly by critics, I came to the realization that a lot of people sort of work under the impression that not only is interviewing not helpful, but that it's mostly detrimental.


That if you want to write about the band Wilco, it's a disadvantage to meet Jeff Tweedy, because that's going to warp your real perception of the music. You're going to hear his music through these things you learned in the interview. Maybe he charms you, maybe you see something in him, maybe you don't like him. I understand that, and I think that's why a lot of pretty smart writers, as they age, do tend to do less reporting. I don't know that that'll ever happen to me.


Full interview: http://www.cnn.com/2011/10/04/showbiz/chuck-klosterman-new-book/index.html

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I am sure most people have read it already, but for those who haven't Chuck's piece about Wilco from one of his books is very good (can remember which one; Grrr.). Done around AGiB and worth the read.


He is a good writer in general and I suspect the people who like Wilco and visit their message boards would enjoy his sensibilities.

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