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This guy needs some love from this board. And, it makes a lot of sense, seeing as how Wilco decided that he was worthy of quoting in one of their songs. He was brilliant, both as a guitar player and as a songwriter. Sadly, the only artifact that he left behind was a bunch a bedroom and live recordings that were, thankfully saved, cleaned up, and released.





Well, that, and a couple of singles that he made with bands that he founded and then quit -- Pere Ubu, The Dead Boys, and Rocket From the Tombs.


Thoughtfully assembled 15-track compilation of Laughner's work draws from his contributions to Rocket from the Tombs ("Ain't It Fun"), Friction, solo recordings (including a version of "Life Stinks," also recorded by Pere Ubu), and even a home tape recorded in his bedroom the night before his death. While the full rock band cuts show an admirable arty ambition ("Amphetamine" in particular strongly recalls the Velvet Underground), it's the folky solo cuts which are the most chillingly emotional, and perhaps the most durable.


The reviewer is right, the solo bedroom cuts are the strongest, more than a little reminiscent of Bob Dylan, both in style and in the sound of his voice. But, it's also reminiscent of Dylan in just how strong the song is, itself. Brilliant. And I mean that literally. Brilliant. Genius. The emotions and images are visceral and genuinely affecting. It's a hard record to forget once you hear it.


Of course, this collection is now out-of-print and damn hard to find (for anything less than $50, used).


Any other fans? Anyone else curious?

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I do believe we have talked about this before. It appears these tracks were bootlegged twice, but are out of print and expensive as you mention. (Someone here may find them posted for download somewhere and if they do, let us know.)


Meanwhile who knew Rocket From the Tombs has a new album coming out? Maybe this will prompt someone intrepid bootlegger to reissue them. The original RFTT CD taken from rehersals and shows is pretty interesting.


I once emailed the Pere Ubu website to see if any of his songs lyrics had been transcribed and I am pretty sure David Thomas emailed back and said no. (Also discussed here serveral years ago.)



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I did a search for an old thread about this (I thought that there was one), but nothing came up in my search.

If I have repeated myself (as I have been known to do -- just as I have been known to use parens), please forgive me.

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Doesn't matter. I had to hold myself back from pushing the buy button on one of the websites that had this LP available for $75. (CD copies are only slightly cheaper and missing two tracks.)


How about a burned copy since I am interested and the record company that put this material out is out of business and undoubtedly never paid Laughner's family for it anyway. I am surprised it hasn't been booted since the 90s.



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I did a rip of this CD a few years back in FLAC, along with scans of all the artwork for some friends. Pretty sure I still have it on a harddrive. Could set up a private torrent in uTorrent so you could download it from me if you'd like Louie.

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I did a rip of this CD a few years back in FLAC, along with scans of all the artwork for some friends. Pretty sure I still have it on a harddrive. Could set up a private torrent in uTorrent so you could download it from me if you'd like Louie.

Very cool. Todd sent me the files so I have those. thanks though. (Now if I can just figure out how to get them into my iTunes...doh...) (Got it, now to listen to it sometime.)



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  • 2 years later...

Just got this thing delivered to me from a wonderful friend:


A 7-song EP that contains 3 songs that are NOT in that Take the Guitar Player for a Ride collection in any form, and a studio version of "Sylvia Plath" that, while not markedly different from the version that I already have, is still different enough to make it well worthwhile to have.

He also tacked on an early Pere Ubu track to the end of this thing. So glad to find more stuff out there to listen to.

Track listing:

1. Sylvia Plath

2. Rag Mama

3. Dear Richard

4. Hideaway

5. Beaudelaire

6. Dinosaur Lullaby

7. Lullaby

8. Heat of Darkness (Pere Ubu)

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Do you know where he ordered this from? Thanks.


It is long past time for someone to compile his collected works. There isn't that much. I wonder if this is a boot too.



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I recall there being some sort of box set that was supposed to come out a few years back. Not sure what happened to that. There were also some bootleg comps of his home recordings that were circulating years back, but I never managed to get my hands on any of those. There's a few things on YouTube of unreleased stuff: Peter covering Wild Horses, See No Evil, some Dylan, etc. Hopefully one day someone gathers up all this stuff and we get a proper compilation.

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Do you know where he ordered this from? Thanks.


It is long past time for someone to compile his collected works. There isn't that much. I wonder if this is a boot too.



No idea, Louie. All I know is that it's not available anywhere now, except for used copies for exorbitant amounts of cash.

Glad that he was willing to share.



I recall there being some sort of box set that was supposed to come out a few years back. Not sure what happened to that. There were also some bootleg comps of his home recordings that were circulating years back, but I never managed to get my hands on any of those. There's a few things on YouTube of unreleased stuff: Peter covering Wild Horses, See No Evil, some Dylan, etc. Hopefully one day someone gathers up all this stuff and we get a proper compilation.

I do hope that this comes to fruition. So now, all I have are the 2 collections that I mentioned in this thread. I would love some more.
Although I have heard, on YouTube some songs that he recorded with Lester Bangs that were, unfortunately, not so good.
Hopefully the rest of it is not like that.
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There must be some heavy legal stuff that is attached to this material. It makes no sense that it has not been re-issued in any form in years. There is plenty of interest in him and no matter what the quality it could be reissued. Nikki Sudden's albums have been reissued, as has a box set with some very low quality concert material on it. No reason that Laughner shouldn't get the same treatment.


There was one copy of Take the Guitar Player out on Amazon what was in terrible shape apparently and it was still selling for $20. I contacted the seller to see if it actually played and they never responded. I still listen to the files one of you guys sent me. Great stuff, but it is not all of equal quality.



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Well perhaps not. Just because it was issued under some label name doesn't mean it did or didn't accrue funds to his estate. I suppose since it is so old that it is possible that it was legal.


Also I did not mean to equate NIkki Sudden with Peter Laughner. Sudden had s significant and wide ranging recording career which sadly Laughner didn't Hence the reason he hasn't had enough interest in his work to ensure whatever material he had recorded to stay in print.



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