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Speaking of overlooked: Why does nobody listen to GENE CLARK?

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Yeah, I know that he has his fans, but HE is a seriously overlooked figure in rock history. Probably had as much to do with his being lost somewhere between country and rock, genre-wise. And the only figure from the 60's and early 70's that seems to get mentioned from that genre-space is Gram Parsons.

I love Gram, but love Gene every bit as much.

He wrote The Byrds' "I'll Feel a Whole Lot Better" (just about as perfect as a song can get), and a bunch more of their earlier stuff, before being forced out of the band and going solo.

Here's a typically wonderful Gene song, with incredible guitar from Clarence White:



So, please give it up for Gene!

Show the man some love!

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As per usual with these threads, I do have several Gene Clark albums. He allowed his career to get derailed by leaving the Byrds a bit too early. Was lucky enough to see him with McGuinn and Hillman when the three of them were back out touring in the 80s maybe?


Frankly if there is a forgotten MVP it is Chris Hillman though. He had the misfortune to just keep playing and not kill himself through hard living.



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As per usual with these threads, I do have several Gene Clark albums.


Always are a few of us on this board.

And, as per Hillman: yeah, he is an outstanding musician. I think that I remember reading that he started as a bluegrass mandolin player, and then picked up the bass in order to join a rock band. And joined The Byrds.


But Clark, as songwriters go, is one of the greats that I really don't think gets his due from folks except for the few that are "in the know".

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As per usual with these threads, I do have several Gene Clark albums.

Same here. We could have hundreds, if not thousands of threads for overlooked artists frankly.


Some of those Gene Clark solo records are true gems, particular faves of mine are 'White Light' and 'Roadmaster' and the Dillard & Clark album 'The Fantastic Expedition of Dillard & Clark'.



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Back in the day when I made mix tapes, the Gene Clark song was almost always on them. Great song. I still feel like he never really lived up to his potential. He sure had his share of demons. Sad story really.




Several years ago I threated to start a thread about artists I have on my shelf that no one talks about anymore. That's part of the problem with collecting crap, you end up with alot of records that have gone out of style and favor. There are just so many musicians out there.



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Back in the day when I made mix tapes, the Gene Clark song was almost always on them. Great song. I still feel like he never really lived up to his potential. He sure had his share of demons. Sad story really.




Several years ago I threated to start a thread about artists I have on my shelf that no one talks about anymore. That's part of the problem with collecting crap, you end up with alot of records that have gone out of style and favor. There are just so many musicians out there.



I can start a Roy Wood/Move thread, if you like... ;-)

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Maybe we should have one thread where we can post about overlooked artists and records. That way people can discover all this stuff in one place, would also make for a good reference thread over time.

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All that is a good idea.


I think what I was thinking was a slightly different thread really, so I am mixing apples and oranges here. More than overlooked artists I guess I am thinking of those who are forgotten, maybe for good reason. Ultimately many people know about Gene Clark because the Byrds are one of the all time greats and an influence on Wilco, etc.


I am talking about the also rans, those lost in time because they may not have really contritubed to the music biz the way the Byrds, Kinks, Beach Boys and other artists who are constantly talked about here. Even groups like the Move (Nick Drake, Big Star) who were not famous in their time, are now famous. But what about the other artists who had careers and now have few fans. Well someday...


Miller analogies (remember that test?) -


Gene Clark is to Chris Hillman as Bert Jansch is to John Renbourn.



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More than overlooked artists I guess I am thinking of those who are forgotten, maybe for good reason.

My thinking was we'd have a thread that would encompass the overlooked, forgotten, and downright obscure. If nobody else starts it, I'll begin such a thread soon.

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Several years ago I threated to start a thread about artists I have on my shelf that no one talks about anymore. That's part of the problem with collecting crap, you end up with alot of records that have gone out of style and favor. There are just so many musicians out there.


That doesn't sound like a problem to me! I don't give a rat's ass what's in style or favor if I like it. Gene Clark is frickin' awesome, as is Hillman. I think Hillman's songwriting in The Burrito Brothers is under-rated, (He and Gram wrote only a few songs, but man were they good!) His co-writing in Manasas is further evidence of Hillman's compositional skills.


Back to Gene Clark, if the only song he ever wrote was either Why Not Your Baby or Out On The Side, he'd still be worthy of admiration in American music history as one of the great songwriters.


Just consider him a buried treasure that those who discover are fortunate to find.

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Gene Clark AND Phil Ochs are both criminally overlooked.......in some sense the demons tend to make it such.....



Phil Ochs is hardly overlooked too. He simply belongs to a previous generation of musicans who have fallen out of style. Talking about folk artists would be where I would start with this thread. Again, because I am older and collected records coming out of resale stores, the musicians of the folk revival weigh down my shelves heavily. Ochs sold plenty of records and got played alot (including his songs getting played alot by guitar toting youth.)


When someone starts this thread I will lay a whole bunch of folks on ya. Okay see the new thread.....Do you want to talk about...I didn't think so.



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