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Kelly Hogan - New album and opening for Neko Case and Andrew Bird and Wilco

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Kelly Hogan is playing a gig at the Green Mill (Chicago) - interesting booking for the Green Mill.



Thanks for the reminder on this.  I love that they are booked at the Mill in what appears to be an old fashioned club date with multiple sets and what is probably going to be a pretty loose feel.  It should be noted that this is the original Flat Five, with  (incredible) drummer Gerald Dowd back on drums.  So while they may do her solo material, it will also attract fans of the other musicians as well.  Expect a line around Broadway to Lawrence to get in. 


Agreed.  It's not bad, but bland is a good word for it.  Kelly has a nice voice but the music overall is just too Tonight Show Band or something...

Okay okay, Kelly does not have a distinctive voice in the Neko Case vein, which is why she has always found great success as a back-up singer.  But she has a very strong voice and her song selection on this new album is fantastic. 



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Thanks for the reminder on this.  I love that they are booked at the Mill in what appears to be an old fashioned club date with multiple sets and what is probably going to be a pretty loose feel.  It should be noted that this is the original Flat Five, with  (incredible) drummer Gerald Dowd back on drums.  So while they may do her solo material, it will also attract fans of the other musicians as well.  Expect a line around Broadway to Lawrence to get in. 




I am not sure if it's sad or not, but my knowledge of Dowd is his involvement with The Not Ready for Naptime Players. :lol

Gotta love parenthood.


Probably won't be able to make it up there for the gig - sounds like it should be fun, though.

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I am not sure if it's sad or not, but my knowledge of Dowd is his involvement with The Not Ready for Naptime Players. :lol

Gotta love parenthood.


Probably won't be able to make it up there for the gig - sounds like it should be fun, though.

Not sad at all. Gerald is certainly not sad that you know him through Justin Roberts (I assume this is his group, since now that my kids are grown I do not buy children's records but would buy his if I still had kids and if I get grandkids) because this is Geralds main job at this point.  Kids music has taken Gerald all over the world and helps support his kids as well, much better than gigs with the Flat Five or even Robbie Fulks, or the occasional jazz date that Gerald does. 


I am just amazed at how many really great drummers there are in Chicago. Maybe there are lots of great drummers in all cities (I am sure there are) but for some reason we seem to have alot of them. 



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This is a perfect job for Gerald; he is not only a great drummer, but he can sing and act, he gets to see the world, and he gets to work full time as a musician.  It is a win win.  Plus the audiences give a shit about being there. 



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