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The McKinleys -- obscure 60's girl group?

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First heard this song covered by The Bangles, which led me to the original:


Just awesome. I loved that it rocked just a bit harder than most girl groups—a little more garage. Hearing more on YouTube showed me their range.


Sadly, I do not seem to be able to find ANY collection of theirs out there ANYWHERE, just a song here and there, but really nothing to GET. Just the YouTubes:


Do any of you have their singles collected anywhere? Care to hit me up with the info? Thanks!
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Hoping that they were collected somewhere. On some CD. Or something.

Does anyone have the capability of DLing the audio from the YouTubes into mp3 format?

I used to, but with a new (work) computer, I can no longer do so.

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I've always loved that song. Have it on a comp, but never heard any of their other singles unfortunately.


Jimmy Page plays the solo on it by the way.

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  • 1 year later...

Found a total of 5 songs on YouTube. Compiled into a playlist and will share it with you.  Because I gotta share the love.

Still looking for more, though.


Oh yes, and there are 2 more songs on Spotify that are not on YouTube:


Gotta see if there is any way to get those songs off of that service.

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