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Notification settings

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I realized recently that I may have incorrectly set the notification settings during our recent software upgrade, and many of you may not have been getting notifications for topic replies and/or other followed content. In the interest of making sure everyone is getting notifications by default, I've reset the default notification settings and set all user notification preferences to these defaults (I apologize for any inconvenience this causes to those of you who have already modified your notification preferences since the board upgrade). With the new default settings, you should now be automatically "following" (subscribed to) any topics you create or reply to. "Bubble" notifications (red markers over the bell in the user panel) should now be enabled for almost all categories, including topic replies. In addition to bubble notifications, email notifications will also be sent for: new PMs, "@YourUsername" mentions (e.g. @Neuroglue), and new content in any followed forums or topics.


You can customize these settings on the "Notification settings" page, which is on the right side of the "Account settings" page (or at the bottom, if you're on mobile). Please note that the "New content for things I follow" setting controls notifications for new forum content, and topic reply notifications are controlled by "Someone comments on something I follow." 


As always, please contact us if you have any questions/problems.

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