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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I had a bacon and avacado sandwich for lunch.
  2. Tom Waits on Mike Douglas Show notice everyone is smoking! John Lennon sings Imagine Gene Simmons KISS ELO Judy Garland dig that crazy outfit! Johnny Cash
  3. any predictions? I predict Castro. he's a celebrity, right?
  4. I liked his show and used to watch it with my grandparents and parents when I was a kid. I'll never forget when John and Yoko were on the show for a solid week.
  5. I thought you weren't going to drink anymore.
  6. I've kicked Starbucks. I have a cup of coffee at home before I leave for work. it's saving me money and I swear I've lost about 5lbs since I quit.
  7. You belong in the OSC gang! You find pleasure in things that most people wouldn't admit to enjoying, like making cruel jokes about one another and bringing up the same inside jokes over and over. You all work together, or share the same social circle, which can seem like you're excluding others at times, but deep down, you're really quite friendly and lovable.
  8. oh. I have no idea who that is. she looks like Phyllis George.
  9. nope. he is not jealous about me having men for friends but don't get on his motorcycle.
  10. I would like the last 12 years of my life back please. thank you.
  11. finally, my Lambchop tickets are on sale!
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