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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. they are supposed to have 2, 2 hour movies to wrap things up. but still, it sucks not to anticipate the next season. HBO just plain sucks these days in my opinion. but whatever...I still have my plan to dress up like Jane, get drunk and take a crap in front of the HBO offices on 6th Ave, or Broadway, whatever it is.
  2. what happened to Iraq? the soldier death toll there is approaching the same death toll at the WTC on 9/11.
  3. me too! I have been since the 2nd season. it's so awesome and I am so pissed that there will not be a season 4, at least as it stands now.
  4. I think he will in the next episode. I recall seeing him stomping on one of Hearst's henchmen in the previews.
  5. is this for real? if so good luck! you're selling your name on Ebay???
  6. no way. the reason why Al has her in the first place is to protect her. not just for the $2 pussy.
  7. I like Jane though. she's funny as hell. 'I thought you were Giganto, the escaped elephant.'
  8. Hey, Jude, don't make it bad Take a sad song and make it better Remember to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it better Hey, Jude, don't be afraid You were made to go out and get her The minute you let her under your skin Then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain Don't carry the world upon your shoulders Well don't you know that its a fool who plays it cool By making his world a little colder Hey, Jude! Don't let her down You have found her, now go and get her Remember, to let her into your heart Then you can start to make it
  9. well, he is sweet on her too. so is Charlie Utter. but, um, she's pretty much swinging the other way, as you can see..
  10. yeah, I think that's a good deal of why he's threatening her. he's bitter because he agreed to let her go and have her own place, where he would get a cut. now, she doesn't want to do that any more, so he isn't too happy. Plus, she was with him since she was 14. he's an evil SOB.
  11. I wish I knew what the solution is, or even the right thing to say. I can see both sides, believe it or not. but it's still painful to see anyone suffer from the ravages of war. it's not that I'm totally against Israel. I guess I've just objected to their voracious war tactics; but at the same time I know a terrorist group like Hezbollah is even more bent on killing people. most of the time I don't like to say anything at all because in reality, I'm afraid. I have a 15 year old brother and it scares the shit out of me to imagine him having to go to war at any time. I'm not saying that this con
  12. relieved, as if a brown dolphin has been released. he had your eyes.
  13. hey, I would have gladly deleted that I'm Sorry thread. I love Jeff and I had no intention if comparing him to 'Fat Elvis'. WTF?
  14. yeah, it's all just fucked. I don't even know what to think...
  15. if it's an MP3, I can usually figure it out. ho hum. I'm staying out of that 'other' thread. it's making my head hurt.
  16. when I wake up on a Sunday morning and see bodies of children being pulled from a destroyed, civilian building where there is no proof of Hezbollah hiding out or having rocket launchers, that's a civilian target, appearing random to me. how is that targeting Hezbollah? I didn't say they were specifically targeting civilians, but randomly bombing the shit out of that country. the civilian death count in Lebanon is much, much higher than the deaths in Israel. my perception is slaughter, not looking for the terrorist group and killing them. where is the body count of Hezbollah terrorists that h
  17. what does the Jewish holocaust have to do with this conflict? I would think that the Jews would need to learn from their own experience and history regarding the holocaust and think about all of the Lebanese people that they are wiping out. Children, women, etc,. I have yet to see any proof that they are only targeting Hezbollah. I do see lots of children being murdered by their bombs. there. I SAID IT! and don't even say that I am an anti-semite because I don't approve of the way Israel is carrying out their 'campaign'.
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