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Everything posted by embiggen

  1. I dunno, but I walked out of that movie. terrible!
  2. it's Sir Stewart's birthday? OMG!!???!!
  3. what I think now is, after seeing some video footage, all this did was humiliate him. they had to take him off of the street it caused such a commotion. they should make him do some community service that is worth while. how ridiculous.
  4. not really. everywhere that I have seen the Jamaican coffee, it's sky high!
  5. yes. and I thought Bullock looked like he was going to jump right out of his skin.
  6. a guy that was at Trade Center when it happened saw it on Friday. he actually liked it and thought that Stone made a very good and tasteful movie. I'm surprised he went to see it since he had a few really good friends perish in the disaster. personally, I'm not sure that I'm ready to see it...
  7. I've been wanting to try that. so expensive....
  8. I call bullshit. gerkin will need our support through his sack trials.
  9. vibes for the scrotal sack!
  10. we received our 'get out the fucking canned peaches' shirt last week.
  11. yes. could he have been any more evasive?
  12. you're a little late. http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...st&p=744642
  13. cantankerous Monday morning blues. but, only 7 more hours
  14. he kicked ass on Deadwood last night. I love him
  15. happy birfday Sir Stewart! hope it's great! :party :party :party
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