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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. It occurs to me that maybe when we stop arguing about religion/abortion/teen pregnancy/old men lusting for shapely vp noninees/the wisdom of flying on an airplane after your water has broken, instead of defining the work and responsibility of running this fucking country...




    Bloody hell this is embarrassing.




  2. On the bright side, beyond the campaign fight she doesn't seem to have anything to say and doesn't know what a VP even does, so there's a possibility she'd be preoccupied spending the next few years using a top secret war-satellite in space to blast baby seals with a death ray and you wouldn't have to listen to her.



    I don't think I like that very much either.


    in fact, I don't find her to be likeable at all.

  3. This is a typical post from that board:


    "This is funny watching the libs hang on every word of Palin....


    hoping she makes a mistake so they can pounce. I truely have never seen them so afraid of someone.


    The funnier thing is that it backfires everytime they do it. The American people and especiallly idependents love Ms. Palin"


    (not edited for spelling)



    Anyone who says anything against Palin is either afraid of her or jealous.


    Oh and if I hear one more person call Palin a feminist, I'm turning in my feminist membership.



    I'm not jealous but yeah I'm afraid. afraid of having to listen to her nagging voice for 4 years.

  4. I saw that last night and although I was extremely disgusted I think I was more sad than anything else. Living here in the South unfortunately I hear stuff like that all the time. Maybe not that extreme but it's out there. On another board I post on, someone said that if Obama became president he wouldn't make it through 4 years, meaning someone would make sure that he wouldn't.



    that's one thing I don't miss about the South, not that everyone is like that. but it's all over. I've heard similar talk here. it's very sad and discouraging.

  5. I'm on Facebook, but you have to be a friend to see her profile..she's your friend? There's 60 some comments....this is the worst thing I have seen yet. What a jerk.



    nooooooo, she is not my friend. I think you can have a profile that is open to everyone to view or something. I didn't look at her profile.

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