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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. But she's being censored!!! :omg


    I'm reading all these pre-debate articles and getting pretty ill over all the hand-wringing over how Biden approaches Palin in order not to appear like he's picking on the poor defenseless little woman. Please. I mean, I know, I know. Clearly we don't live in a perfect world where gender equality is yet a reality, but this whole "delicate flower" crap really is setting the cause of feminism back about 50 years. I'm glad my three daughters aren't old enough yet for me to have to explain to them why the female candidate has to be treated so carefully and can't be called out, even if she deserves it. Oy.



    how can a woman who can slaughter and gut a moose be called "delicate?" :huh

  2. You're a Cubs fan, Jess? How did that happen?



    I've been a Cubs fan. my husband has been a fan for 40 years, I've been a fan since I met my husband. I have a natural attraction to underdogs and the Cubs are the ultimate underdogs. :)

  3. It doesn't count in the post season. All bets is off in the post season. But honestly, why all the drama? You're only one game down. its not like the cubs are facing elimination tonite. Sack up, Jess.






    I think it's all downhill for the Cubs from here on out.



    I'm putting you in "time out."

  4. I hate to break it to ya, but only the Red Sox come back from no-wins-going-into-an-elimination-game-and-going-on-to-win-the-series type situations.

    So, go Cubbies!!


    we've had many amazing come backs this year. I'm hoping for one tonight! seriously!

  5. Of all the pitchers it's weird to feel the most confident in Ted Lilly, but that's how I see things right now.


    I will be drinking heavily as soon as work ends. No night class to muck things up today.


    I did stay at the bar for the Red Sox game. That made me feel a little better, but not much. I think I was too smug about the Brewers losing and karma bit me in the ass. I'm sorry, Cubs. I screwed things up yesterday with my cocky strut around my cubicle.



    yeah, from now on SHUT UP!!!!! :)

  6. I've never understood how being pro-choice is considered a liberal idea and is supported by liberals. Having individual rights, not having the government control your life or tell you what you can and cannot do, IS conservatism..



    then why are so man conservatives against being pro-choice? that's what I don't get. less regulation for some, more regulation for others.

  7. If you are in fact a Conservative Christian, Obama's VERY liberal abortion record and the thought of who he might appoint to the Supreme Court doesn't scare you?


    absolutely not! you and the govenment need to stay the hell out of my uterus! my body, my decision. period!

  8. Well, I don't care if it rains or freezes

    Long as I have my plastic Jesus

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    I could go a hundred miles an hour

    Long as I got the almighty power

    Glued up there with my pair of fuzzy dice


    {Refrain - repeat between verses}

    Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    Through all trials and tribulations

    We will travel every nation

    With my plastic Jesus I'll go far


    I don't care if it rains or snowses

    Long as I got my plastic Moses

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    Through all trials and tribulations

    We will travel every nation

    Me and plastic Moses will go far


    I don't care if it rains or freezes

    As long as I've got my plastic Jesus

    Glued to the dashboard of my car

    You can buy Him phosphorescent

    Glows in the dark, He's pink and pleasant

    Take Him with you when you're travelling far


    I don't care if it's dark or scary

    Long as I have magnetic Mary

    Ridin' on the dashboard of my car

    I feel I'm protected amply

    I've got the whole damn holy family

    Riding on the dashboard of my car


    You can buy a sweet Madonna

    Dressed in rhinestones sitting on a

    Pedestal of abalone shell

    Goin' ninety, I'm not wary

    'Cause I've got my virgin Mary

    Guaranteeing I won't go to Hell


    I don't care what they say, I'm gonna

    Keep on prayin' to that pink Madonna

    Melted to the dashboard of my car

    Goin' ninety, I'm not wary

    'Cause I've got my Virgin Mary

    Guaranteeing I won't go to Hell


    I don't care if it bumps or jostles

    Long as I got the twelve apostles

    Bolted to the dashboard of my car

    Don't I have a pious mess

    Such a crowd of holiness

    Strung across the dashboard of my car


    When pedestrians try to cross

    I let them know who's boss

    I never blow my horn or give them warning

    I ride all over town

    Trying to run them down

    And it's seldom that they live to see the morning


    {As refrain}

    Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    His halo fits just right

    And I use it as a sight

    And they'll scatter or they'll splatter near and far


    God made Christ a holy Jew

    God made Him a Christian too

    Paradoxes populate my car

    Joseph beams with a feigned elan

    From the shaggy dash of my furlined van

    Famous cuckold in the master plan


    Naughty Mary, smug and smiling

    Jesus dainty and beguiling

    Knee-deep in the piling of my van

    His message clear by night or day

    My phosphorescent plastic gay

    Simpering from the dashboard of my van


    {As refrain}

    Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    Once his robe was snowy white

    Now it isn't quite so bright

    Stained by the smoke of my cigar


    When I'm goin' fornicatin'

    I got my ceramic Satan

    Sinnin' on the dashboard of my Winnebago motor home

    The women know I'm on the level

    Thanks to the wild-eyed stoneware devil

    Ridin' on the dashboard of my Winnebago motor home

    Sneerin' from the dashboard of my Winnebago motor home

    Leering from the dashboard of my van


    I don't care if I'm broke or starvin'

    As long as I've got a fish named Darwin

    Glued to the trunk lid of my car

    God, I'm feeling so evolved

    Drivin' with my problems solved

    Proclaiming what I think of what we are


    Riding home one foggy night

    With my honey cuddled tight

    I missed a curve and off the road we veered

    My windshield got smashed-up good

    And my darling graced the hood

    Plastic Jesus, He had disappeared


    {As Refrain}

    Plastic Jesus, plastic Jesus,

    No longer chides me with His holy grin

    Doctors in the X-ray room

    Found Him in my darling's womb

    Someday, He'll be born again!


    I don't care if it rains or freezes

    Long as I got my plastic Jesus

    Riding on the dashboard of my car

    He's the dude with the rusty nails

    Walks on water, don't need no sails

    Riding on the dashboard of me car


    I don't care if the night is scary

    As long as I got the virgin Mary

    Sittin' on the dashboard of my car

    She don't slip and she don't slide

    'Cause her ass is magnetized

    Sittin' on the dashboard of my car



    you'll be sorely missed Paul.

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