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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. "better" = "make Flick feel warm and fuzzy inside"





    I don't see why Flick's statement is causing such confusion. Is it that hard to imagine a situation where one party's platform might be more to your liking, but you viewed the other party's candidate as more intelligent, more knowledgeable, less corrupt, etc.?


    more like it.


    btw, don't most people base decisions on who to vote for on subjective opinion? based on what we personally believe in? am I wrong? hello?

  2. No seriously, are you saying you typically vote straight Democrat but if you didn't you'd vote Democrat today because of the Republicans?


    So are you saying you would vote straight Republican in an alternate universe but you'd switch in the current election?


    I really don't get what you are trying to say.



    what I am saying is if the Democratic party had the kind of candidates that the Republican party has today (which in my opinion are not good) then I would cross the party line and vote Republican if I thought the Republican party had better candidates. OR I would vote for Independent or Green. understand now???


    FYI, there is no alternate universe...

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