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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. Actually he sort of did apologize for this. Check the news comrade. Barack is a very savvy polititican. John Lewis was essentially correct, there is a heavy racist undertone to some of the statements being promligated by the McCain campaign, but even though he is right, Obama took the high road even in the face of criticizing one of his supporters.



    that's just the kind of guy he is :)

  2. McCain has dug his own grave. I actually like McCain and think he is a great human being that served this country faithfully. I have tremendous respect for that. however, I don't agree with the fundamentals of the Republican party and I do not agree with McCain's politics. I have gained new found respect for him after his comments to the audience at Friday's town hall meetings - that is the McCain that I like and appreciate. I think he wants in one hand, but is too old for the other hand. his decision to select Palin as VP is a disaster. these events pay off for the Obama campaign and I'm glad because personally, I believe that he can invigorate this country and bring new blood into the White House and the Supreme Court. it's time for the old guard to go by the wayside, in my opinion.

  3. I always wonder what the world would be like if he was still walking in it, that mind full of vibrant paradox.



    I've wondered about this over the last, almost 3, decades. Happy Birthday John. 68! whoa!

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