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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. So my wife at my urging watched the animal skit at two in the morning while feeding the baby and she told me today that it wasn't that funny and I asked if it was maybe because she watched it in the middle of the night while half asleep and she said yeah that's a good point so we're going to watch it together tonight that's the end of my story I will keep you informed.




  2. i'm still rooting for them, i'll ALWAYS roote for them...but jeezus. after sitting through an hour and a half of bile-inducing 'you betchas' and other contrived hockey-momisms...turning the channel to see them floundering was the suck.



    I'm with ya Kevin. I'll always root for them, but these two games were just depressing. I want them to win so badly!

  3. I'm majorly disappointed and can't BELIEVE this is happening. I don't understand a team that can have a killer record throughout the whole season and totally drop the ball (literally) during the playoffs. the suckitude is endless!

  4. No, I thought she came off as more informed than in her previous interviews but it was very obvious she'd been coached on certain points and was only comfortable with said points, at times directly avoiding answering questions that were asked of her.



    I would have used the word "scripted" in that sentence.

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