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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. Can we all agree, no matter what side we are on, that Palin is dumb? Fuck, I've got someone on another board actually trying to defend her and say that she's the most qualified person on the ticket because she has more executive experience than any of them. Holy shit! She's fucking dumb! Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.



    you betcha!

  2. I think it's kind of funny how Powell has been beatified by democrats. He was at the forefront of the campaign to go into Iraq, and yet nobody holds him accountable like they do everyone else. It's just weird how he's the only person related to the administration who has been given the benefit of the doubt. Everyone else are liars, he was just mislead.



    mislead by liars.

  3. Back the bus up, I'm not even going down the false filing road, I'm merely saying that there are plenty of ways to reduce or postpone your tax liabilities almost indefinitely within the current structure, especially if you are wealthy.





    again though, the current tax structure needs to be changed.

  4. I seriously doubt that if Obama wins and implements his new vision for spreading this countries burden that you will see a significant change to your expendable income and be able to buy more stuff or beef up your retirement account. On the other hand I'll wager you that the people you are hoping will be forced to shoulder the increase will find a way, as they always have, to avoid it.



    I'm not saying that any huge revelation is going to occur if Obama is elected. as far as those who get out of paying the amount of taxes that they should pay should be penalized just like anyone else who files falsely.

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