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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. in other words, when you hear a certain song or songs, does it bring a smile to your face no matter how you feel? what song or songs would that be?


    right now, for me, the Fleet Foxes always make me smile. the harmonies blend into a magical parade of sound that sweeps me off my clumsy Ugg wearing feet.

  2. Pretty predictable, nothing really new. Did I miss an earlier announcement that he's now talking about tax cuts for anyone making less than $200K? That was the one thing that seemed different from what he's been saying recently.



    I thought he was saying this all along.



    I really really want this to happen. it has to happen.

  3. But which guy is better for the environment? The economy? National security? Which will make the country a better (or at least less shitty) place for my kids to grow up?



    Obama. duh!



    plus, I don't believe McCain is the healthiest person running for president and he's also the oldest to ever run. this means that if he dies, "you know who" will be president. :barf

  4. McCain is a cranky old man whose nickname is "McRage." worst of all, Palin. Palin Palin Palin. most ignorant politician I've seen since Dan Quayle.


    Obama is intellectually curious, smart, open, even tempered and I believe he will do good things and make good decisions for our country.



    so there's that.

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