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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. No.



    The nut-jobs screaming at the McCain rally and Stewart are doing the same thing.....purposely saying something that they know will cause controversy.



    those nut jobs are the Republican base, for the most part. don't you also think that Palin in particular is saying things that will cause controversy? things that are untrue for that matter.

  2. Affording to pay and actually correcting the tax code to induce these 'fat-cats' to pay a larger share are two completely different things.


    how so? that's part of the goal, right?


    also, I seriously doubt that paying higher income taxes is going to impede anyone making "1 million plus a year's" ability to buy more stuff.

  3. i guess it depends on your definition of "fair" and your definition of "socialism". i rely on karl marx for my definition of socialism, who called for a "heavy progressive or graduated income tax" as one of the measures to "spread the wealth".


    so what is your definition of "fair" for the people? should I as a middle class tax payer get a tax break? what about the millionaire who get's a bigger tax break than me, is that fair? just what is YOUR definition of fair. is the fact that Exxon gets a tax break when they generate billions of dollars annually on inflated gas prices fair? I think not.

  4. Wake me up when that happens regardless of who get's elected.


    I'm pretty sure that the guy who makes $6 million a year is still going to have the same people protecting his money and advising him so all the rhetoric in the world ain't gonna have an effect on his bottom line. Of course I'm pretty sure when big-oil-meds-banks-etc. get the screws put to them they won't have any problem passing on the increased costs for goods and services to the end consumer.



    yeah, wake me up too.


    so as a result of big oil-meds-banks(who by the way are getting BAILED OUT!)-etc making more money and getting tax breaks, we as tax payers should be grateful that they get tax breaks? is this the bazaaro world? they make billions and we get screwed anyway. even with the tax breaks they have today, we pay more and more for their products. maybe the next president will have the balls to regulate (yes I said it!) these businesses a bit better so no one is getting screwed; which obviously NEEDS to happen as we can see from the results of deregulation in this economy. regulate them and tax them as they should be. I don't trust big business as far as I can throw them. big business is driven by pure greed and if things continue as they are, which I am certain they will under McSame, tax payers will continue to pay the price and suffer as we are today.

  5. i'd say people aren't afraid enough of his socialist policies.



    so paying your fair share of taxes if you make more money is being socialist? this country is never going to be a socialist country no matter who is in charge. I am tired of seeing people that make more money than me getting taxed less. I pay out the ass on taxes and it's time for everyone to pay their fair share, PERIOD.

  6. What else is McCain supposed to do?


    HE HAS NO CHOICE. Is he to do nothing and then lose by 15 points?



    he has much better choices than to run a negative campaign based on lies and playing on people's fear. I think most people are tired of hearing all the "socialist" and "pals around with terrorists" crap. and it is CRAP!

  7. What bothers me is that McCain and Palin don't do anything to stop it, and even seem to instigate it by asking "Who is the real Obama?" and walking away (Palin). When McCain was asked about this at the debate, his answer should have been "I don't agree with it, I don't condone it, and although I can't control what people say, I'm completely disgusted by it."



    Palin said out right today that Obama is a socialist. it's fear mongering, pure and simple.

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