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Posts posted by embiggen

  1. I'm still on the verge of tears every time I see a thread or hear one of his songs. for some reason he has been on my mind lately. it just tears me up that this has happened. he was too young. I guess I sort of took comfort knowing that he was somewhere out in the world (New Orleans in particular), I guess because his music has always been comforting to me. I can't express enough how much I hate this...

  2. Well, I posted something about Kevin Bacon, then realize kclif had beat me to it, went to edit it, and then accidentally deleted it. So fuck this thread.


    I like the use of the term "blowjobbing". Hilarious.



    I saw your post. you could have kept it up. WTF?

  3. I just find it odd that people can't just shut up when those songs are playing. 184 "Woo-oohs" and "Yeahs" don't deepen the experience.



    maybe not for you. some people like to express their joy.

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