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Posts posted by markosis

  1. About 6 miles, down one road. I'd love to bike to work, but out here there's some treacherous stretches where there's absolutely no shoulder at all and no easy way to safely to the side of the road. And in the once rural-becoming suburbs where I live, people have no respect for biking folk.

  2. Britney Spears is a science experiment. As in, she was concieved and raised in a basement somewhere in Hollywood with the sole purpose of making some people a lot of money. First, we had the platinum (probably) pop star, where I'm sure many people made out well. Now she's gathered even more attention as a train wreck than she ever did as a "music" star. Next will be the clean up/write a book phase. More money. Then suicide/horrible ending. Then biographical movie. More money.


    Ok, more of a conspiracy theory than blasphemy, but one I half-heartedly believe.

  3. I have to add, the theory stuff may not really help you write songs. I know a great deal of theory, I'd say the theory comes in handy for the arranging and stuff like that. When it comes to writing, its more of an emotional response.


    But everyone's different. It could very well help you, just don't look at it like the magic bullet.

  4. I'd say, pick up/borrow a banjo/ukulele/mandolin/omnichord/whatever and just see how much fun you can have exploring something ENTIRELY unknown.


    A little more into the songwriting end of things, see how much silence you can stand for a week or two. I know we as music fans feel the need to fill our ears with new sounds to inspire us, I think some well-intentioned silent periods go a long way into getting in touch with your own thoughts.

  5. Maybe not a blasphemy as much as a greivance:


    'Folk rock' is the worst genre label ever invented. I couldn't name one thing that is cool that would deserve such a shitty tag. Dylan in the mid-60's was rock and roll. The only stuff I'd consider folk rock is usually devoid of originality, spontaneity, or any other adjective to describe music that is thought-provoking or exciting.

  6. The British never had any business playing the blues. They should have left it to the Yanks.


    As much as I love The Band, I have my grievances:

    1. The Last Waltz is pretty lame. NEIL DIAMOND??? WTF??? Also. Eric Clapton, Muddy Waters, and Bob Dylan could have been left off.

    2. Robbie Robertson, despite being my favorite rock guitarist, is a douchebag.

    3. I don't like "Chest Fever" or "Rag Mama Rag".

    I guess that's all I can say. They're still the best rock and roll band ever. They're even better than the Beatles.

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