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Posts posted by tongue-tied

  1. I still don't get why or how they forgot the island in the first place, especially if this meeting was planned, and how would they plan it?


    anyway, I've been thinking about two other details:


    1) Did Miles become a millionaire with N&P's diamonds if the flight off the island was a success?

    2) It was cool to have more Lapidus in the finale, but weird that he made no mention about the sunk sub or asked about the condition of anyone else on the sub, nor did Miles or Richard ask him what happened when they pulled him up (though one can assume Miles felt the dead vibes).

  2. The sideways world proves to be the afterlife.

    Maybe a little mystical, but then again, the whole show was mystical.


    I see which way you're interpreting it. Not the hallucinations of a self-martyr who's lost plenty of blood?


    I thought it was a satisfying ending, though the season overall was kind of a flop, they needed more than one season for that much development.

  3. i had to look at the clock when the show ended, it felt very abrupt. pretty good episode, i'm looking forward to the concert. {SPOILERS!} i'm guessing Richard being "Lapidus'd" was a bluff, though that section of the episode seemed awkward enough to serve the purpose of killing off unneeded characters (is it just me or is the writing this season smugly self-referential? such as Locke calling Zoe pointless if she doesn't talk, thus taking her out of the show. [though really i'm puzzled why they introduced so many characters these last two seasons who amount to very little, i'm still upset that they created the mysterious Dogen-who-holds-some-secret only to kill him off, >]). anyway, this sunday has a lot riding on it to justify a lot of this season's shenanigans.

  4. Let's just say if that episode aired in season 1 or 2, I probably would have stopped watching Lost. I'm glad they're having a go at the mythology, but that was just poorly done. Characters aren't supposed to announce to each other what they both already know.

  5. In the Series Finale Hurley gives birth while breathing heavily and screaming out the numbers to calm him down.

    Then it cuts very quickly to a man alone on a beach saying how his father was the only man to give birth to a human and he states directly to the camera "Hey, wait a minute, there's no birthday party for me here!" and fade to black.

    The End!


    Yes, but why was Walt special?

  6. anyone think that is was Richard, Miles and Ben who set the C4 on the plane rather than Widmore?


    They wanted to blow up the plane, not people, so I don't think so. Widmore doesn't want to kill candidates either, so it's a little sketchy.


    Ugh, tell me Lapidus didn't go out like a sucker.


    Why did Sun and Jin have to die and Kate live? This pisses me off to no end.




    Ditto. Shoot Kate close to the heart= near-death but fine and dandy minutes later. Sun pinned by big thing=initially saved, but somehow improbably pinned by other...stuff.


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