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Posts posted by Dreamin'

  1. That sounds about right. In his last book, he actually writes about sitting down and talking to some fans. He seemed as surprised as they were. He even has a security guy that rides with him. I saw an interview with him that was conducted at Rush-Con. He writes some really great stuff, and is a hell of a drummer, but I don't think I would want to meet him.

    From what I saw in the documentary, Neil seems like a genuinely shy guy who is uncomfortable with excessive admiration. He said that it embarrasses him and he doesn't know how to respond to it (so he avoids it). I also think that he's kind of nerdy and awkward in real life, so he probably knows that he can never live up to his fans expectations. His reclusiveness preserves the rock star mystique, if you will. Geddy and Alex have a completely different and relaxed approach to their fame and to their fans (similar to the Wilcos, I think) and that seems to work for them.

  2. Did anyone see Beyond the Lighted Stage last night? I was one of the few women in the audience (a parallel universe where there is no line for the ladies room). It was fun to watch it on the big screen with an awesome sound system. My favourite part was the deli autograph woman, who repeatedly ignored Alex while fawning over Geddy ("'cause he's the leader!").




    Review from the National Post

  3. Okay, lets get back OT with the always enjoyable giant inflatable beaver. (:lol Bob Costas!) This is what happens when you have a psychedelic reaction to maple syrup.


    I honestly don't know what to say about the closing ceremonies. I got a hint of what we were in for when I opened the pkg on my seat and found foam moose antlers. Hey, let's simultaneously mock and celebrate all those lazy Canadian stereotypes. Cringeworthy, but also genius!

  4. Can't wait to hear the full report from Dreamin'. She was at both gold medal hockey games, and the closing ceremonies.


    :canada :cheers

    There are no words to describe what I was feeling on Sunday, but I'll never forget it! I was high-fiving complete strangers on the street (little kids, cops, winos, grandmothers...) as I made my way toward BC Place Stadium for the closing ceremonies.


    Apparently 80% of Canadians watched the men's gold medal hockey game. People were lined up around the block outside neighbourhood pubs, hours before the game started. Priests and their congregations prayed for Team Canada (seriously, I saw a clip on the news). For Canadians, it was like Canada Day, Christmas morning, New Year's Eve, the moon landing, and the Stanley Cup final, all rolled into one.


    I'll post pics when I have a chance.

  5. Oh, Canada! :o *faints*


    Do they serve alcohol at Olympic sporting events like they do at professional sporting events?

    Yes, they did serve alcohol at the game yesterday. I was too nervous to eat or drink, but most people sitting near me had no trouble at all.


    It's customary for the winning team to drink champagne from the Stanley Cup. Of course, Olympic competition is a much more uptight affair. Maybe not the best idea to do this on the ice, but nice to see them enjoying their moment. They earned it!


    Well done, sisters! Let's hope the men's hockey team is inspired by your victory.

  6. Saw the women's aerials at Cypress last night. The fog made it seem even more otherworldly. Congratulations to Lydia Lassila!


    As we walked up to the venue from the buses, some people were listening to the Canada-Russia game and providing updates. When I heard the score was 3-0 in the first period (lots of cheering and big grins all around), I thought it seemed too good to be true. Let's hope Canada can keep that momentum and go all the way!

  7. Yes, thanks for sharing those beautiful shots, SeattleC!


    I'm so glad this Trans Canada tour began at Mile 0. Victoria has always been a romantic B&B weekend get-away destination for those of us on the Mainland, but it was great to visit for a concert. Great venue. Lovely people. Amazing show. The guy sitting behind me gave me hell for standing during Broken Arrow (sorry!), but it just felt wrong to sit during a Neil song - kind of like the national anthem, you know?

  8. And not to offend any of my friends from North of the Border, but would some Canadian finally win a Gold medal so we don't have to hear announcers drive the point that Canadians did not win a gold at the Montreal or Calgary games already?

    More than happy to oblige. :canada


  9. Neither (lack of) snow, nor rain, nor long lines at Japadog, nor Default, nor gloom of night stays these fans from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.


    It was wonderful to see Wilco in Vancouver again. The keyboard stylings of Quatchi and Mukmuk during Shot in the Arm was a highlight for me.

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