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Posts posted by OOO

  1. I would imagine you could win on any given week by saying "The [residents of a poor country who are suffering the effects of a natural disaster] are probably having a worse week than [famous person]"


    For example:


    "The people dealing with famine in the horn of Africa are probably having a worse week than Joe Paterno"


    Of course, your coworkers might stop asking you to play, but still.

  2. Cool- be sure to share your discoveries! What's the native local language? Are you out of range of the griot/kora tradition?


    The language out here is Gourmantché, but almost all of the teachers/government workers come from the central part of the country, so their native language is Mooré. However, the students are not allowed to speak anything but French, so thats what I'm focusing on at the moment. I'm not familiar with griot/dori tradition, so I'm going to say no on that one.


    I've got to head to school now and pass back some math tests. Adios!

  3. Now i want to ply you with questions about Burkina Faso. For example, where in Burkina Faso are you? Also, there's a lot of West African music I like, mostly from Mali and Senegal. That's in your neighborhood, so that leads me to wonder whether there's any good local music there.


    I'm in a small town on the east side of Burkina - kind of near niger/benin/togo - not by mali at all. I've got to 3 or 4 musical events since I got here and the local music is pretty awesome, especially the drumming/rhythm instruments. Just in general, it seems like everyone has really good rhythm. When I play guitar even the littlest kids can dance with the beat. At any rate, I'd like to get much deeper into the traditional/local music while I'm here, but I need to work on my french first.

  4. cool, i like what you're doing with, um, limited resources. Is that a kazoo?


    I was about to ask where in Africa you are, but then I saw your link in your signature, so I'll be reading your blog to find out more. :thumbup


    Yeah, I dont have many instruments out here, but a toy kazoo is one of them. I'm hoping to get some traditional drums and a xylophone-ish instrument they use out here too. (Here is Burkina Faso, for the record)

  5. “We’re really excited to bring the Beatles’ music to iTunes,” said Sir Paul McCartney. “It’s fantastic to see the songs we originally released on vinyl receive as much love in the digital world as they did the first time around.”


    “I am particularly glad to no longer be asked when the Beatles are coming to iTunes,” said Ringo Starr. “At last, if you want it—you can get it now—The Beatles from Liverpool to now! Peace and Love, Ringo.”


    “We love the Beatles and are honored and thrilled to welcome them to iTunes,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “It has been a long and winding road to get here. Thanks to the Beatles and EMI, we are now realizing a dream we’ve had since we launched iTunes ten years ago.”


    “In the joyful spirit of Give Peace A Chance, I think it is so appropriate that we are doing this on John’s 70th birthday year,” said Yoko Ono Lennon.


    “The Beatles on iTunes—Bravo!” said Olivia Harrison.


    Quotes from Apple's press release. I like that Ringo is happy he isn't going to be approached by nerds anymore asking about it, and I'm imagining Steve Jobs writing and discarding a lot of Beatles related puns before settling on the one in his quote.


    This is the day in the life we've all been waiting for at Apple.

    It's been more than a hard day's work getting the Beatle's music onto iTunes

    We present to you The Beatles on iTunes, with love from me, Steve Jobs, to you.

    It's not available Back in the USSR yet, but once we get the licensing locked down, who knows?

    I finally got the Beatles onto iTunes, with a little help from my friends at Apple


    Not sure how putting the albums on iTunes is like giving peace a chance, but that's ok, Yoko.

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