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Posts posted by TCP

  1. You mean you don't want to send Kesler, Edler and a 1st to TO for Sundin?

    I hope that was sarcastic!!! I like Kesler when he's playing good, but he seems to be streaky... I'd trade him but not Edler. Edler's the best defense we got I reckon. Anyways, I had heard it was going to be Kesler and Morrison... which I am still opposed to. Either way, it's foolish to take think Toronto's problems will fix ours. Maybe we'd get more scoring if AV stopped doing things like benching Linden and then letting players like Isbister, Cowan, and Ritchie play. Then when he does let Linden play he's stuck with those two-bit players.

    Who is going to watch the All Star game this weekend? My interest has wained since Bobby Lou announced he won't be there. Still don't get why they picked Hank but left Danny at home... sent Naslund or something.

  2. Ok, I will continue on it tonight. I am waiting for a reciprocating reverse oscillator valve for the HDI power cable from Amazon.com.

    And SRV will be one of our stops, I can guarantee you that! The Clash as well. Then off to Joy Division and then Dylan right after Blood On The Tracks came out.

    Gimmie a heads up if you're going to go see the rooftop concert.

  3. That's all well and good but I feel, while we're educating American's about Trudeau we should point out that a lot of people in Western Canada didn't like him. I feel that he personified one of Canada's biggest problems... the east's ignorance of the west.

    Also I might be bitter because my brother and I went to school with some of his distant nephew's and they were little shit disturbers, har-har.


    Anyways, here's hoping a recording surfaces. I love Wilco as a quartet.

  4. Finally saw this (there's a DVD rip of it on the internet........). I liked it a lot, but some of it has me a bit confused. Spoiler don't read on!

    Does the Richard Gere character at the end who finds the guitar, does that make him into Woody character or does he simply find his old guitar from when he was Woody? Oh and where was Kim Gordon??

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