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Posts posted by HighFives

  1. I tried searching for it recently, to no avail.


    Some junior-high-aged Glenn Kotche fan was trying to cope with her new braces, and posted to ask if Glenn had ever worn braces. Shock of the century, she got some VC flak for the question and responded to it with, "OMG YOU ARE ALL IDIOTS! JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU HIGHY MESSED UP FREAKS!!1!!!11" Very poignant, really.


    oh god that's hilarious.

  2. It's obvious that there is no factual way you or anyone besides Eminem could know ANYTHING about Eminem's personal thoughts. It can only be observed by his actions which includes his music. Based on MY OPINION (happy?) of his music, he is not as serious about hip hop, as he is about making headlines.


    Eminem was noticably out of the media's eye for the last few years till this new album of his started up... which he did on purpose.

  3. All natural cotton canvas tote with Wilco (the album) logo on front. This thick and durable tote has long straps for shoulder comfort and weighs 12 ounces. Perfect for carrying vinyl, books, groceries, children, etc.



  4. Remember that whole YHF thing where the label told them to change it so it would be more commercially available? Well that has happened with Eminem on pretty much every album he's put out. If he was doing it for the money you'd think he'd just agree with the label and say "yeah okay whatever you guys think will sell more!" but he doesn't he does the same thing Wilco did. :o

  5. I really think Eminem is a bit more passionate about his music than doing it for the money. Even at all. He was rapping and doing shit before he even made money by doing it. It's like you're saying he would have stopped rapping if it wasn't making any money. but if that's the case why didn't he stop when he really wasn't making money? I don't get it. Why do so many people think all these big stars are just in it for the money? They obviously had a passion for what they do and were doing it before money was involved.

  6. Best Buy has had vinyl for the last few years hasn't it? A very very small selection though of course. This is kind of cool news. I get pretty much all my records online. maybe 20% at local stores. This will be good because I get Best Buy gift cards probably every christmas from like random relatives or employers. Now I don't have to waste them on DVDs I never watch.

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