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Posts posted by mfwahl

  1. whenever i think of jakob dylan, all i hear is "one headlight." maybe his solo stuff might change my perception. or maybe not. it must suck to be bob's son sometimes.

    same here. That song popped into my head the second I saw the thread title

  2. i read this this morning in the redeye, the free chicago daily paper:


    "more than 30,000 chicago public school students are expected to pack soldier field from 10 a.m. to noon tuesday to rally for more state funding and anti-violence programs. students will be bussed downtown for the "shout-out for schools" rally. school officials, mayor daley, and performers- including wilco front man jeff tweedy, kid sister, UNI, and rich kiddz- are expected to appear."

    They get a free concert with Tweedy? Better than books, i'd say. What else do they need?

  3. Be Kind Rewind.

    Wasn't as good as Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but definitely was creative. Kind of cute. Mos Def's acting was really good. Jack Black was his usual self. Really good movie if you're into filmmaking or a fan of classic films such as Ghostbusters!

  4. He's already got the "terrorist fist jab" down! :lol

    The coverage of the "fist-bump" is horrific. I can't even believe that this is an issue. These people are so dumb.


    Obama's going to be making his case to young evangelicals soon. He's launching a project called Joshua Generaiton:


    "The Joshua Generation project will be the Obama campaign's outreach to young people of faith. There's unprecedented energy and excitement for Obama among young evangelicals and Catholics. The Joshua Generation project will tap into that excitement and provide young people of faith opportunities to stand up for their values and move the campaign forward."

    I think he'll fare well with young evangelicals and ones with decent minds/non-racist. McCain doesn't have much there though, he's willing to sell out. Obama also is going to have a staff dedicated to dispelling internet rumors. I still hear once a week someone say something about Obama being a muslim, swearing in on a Qu'ran, etc. Hopefully, they'll be effective at that.


    Also, what's the deal with John McCain's war on beer. I can't watch that video at work. Isn't his wife a beer heiress?

  5. I love Native Instruments Battery -- you can trigger it using a midi controller or program it on the "piano roll" (which is the easiest way to visualize it mathematically) or actual music notation. Anyway, if you choose the right samples (these aren't patterns, but individual hits), it sounds pretty realistic. The trick is sort of randomly adjusting the velocity of the hits and the timing to make it a little imperfect -- like a real drummer.

    Thanks. I'm gonna check this out. The internet is such a scary place and then I come to ViaChicago and all is well. Thanks!

  6. I'm working on a laptop project, recording some demos of songs that I've written. I want the demos to be pretty worked up because I'm mainly focusing on arrangements, new background melodies, writing vocal harmonies, etc. So this time around I want to put some emphasis on percussion and don't have a drum kit/don't want to work with drummer (This is a writing project, not performing). Does there exist in this world VST drum sounds that sound halfway realistic? Are there better options such as drum loops? I've found a couple good drum loops but they come in standardized tempos and I already am dealing with the fact that a lot of my songs end up in the same tempo. I definitely don't want to be forced into that. Any help would be much appreciated.


    My tunes are kind of like the Kinks, The Band, Dr Dog and I'm using cubase primarily, if that helps.


    Edit: Other problem with samples/loops, is I need to be able to add/subtract beats. Some of the ones I've seen just give you a couple beats and some fills. I need more of an ability to change that.

  7. The reviewer seemed to be focused on the lyrics, which isn't that important to me when it comes to MMJ. (Usually I can't even tell what he's saying). I really like the record. Not as good as Z but pretty damn good and they rocked SNL more than Wilco did.


    Also, I was watching Californication and MMJ's Rocketman was in it.

  8. Whoa, he really went out on a limb.


    What was his alternative? How specifically would have have dealt with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq? It's just talk.

    In August, Sen. Barack Obama had made the argument that, as president, he would target Al Qaeda officials in Pakistan even without the country's acquiescence -- the type of attack that, six months later, proved to be successful.


    At the time, Obama was roundly criticized for his remarks, both by his Democratic competitors for the White House and by the Bush administration.

  9. Thanks for the heads up.... listening now...


    I don't think they'll ever put together an album like their first 2

    I'll assume you mean that's a goof thing. Thank god. I like the new single but those last 2 were the soundtrack to toolville.

  10. (i absolutely cherish this song...and i can't stand the people who think it's just tweedy throwing words together trying to seem poetic/deep/sophisticated...if you really think about what the words he chooses mean, then you see the coherence in the emotions being expressed. 'she's a jar' is much the same way, imo.)

    I like that. but she's a jar (one of my favorites) doesn't touch the lyrical poetic quality of it. She's a jar has really great lyrics but IATTBYH is like modern poetry set to a good melody

  11. I found a bottle of cherry flavored NyQuil recently that had expired almost a decade ago. I gave it a shot anyway and discovered that time had aged it into something resembling a fine merlot. :thumbup



    * the merlot part isn't true. it still tasted like NyQuil and still knocked me asleep in 3.7 seconds.

    I just threw up

  12. Trey's getting back together with the "original TAB" ... although not the real original power trio - good to see him getting out and playing:




    I'm surprised. Didn't Tony have some deep seated resentment towards Trey after he disbanded the group. Looks like no horns. I miss the Truth in his jumpsuit dancing on stage. I played with Grippo once and everytime I saw him no matter where it was, he was in that black jumpsuit. Then when he showed up to play the show with me he was in one of the nicest suits I've seen in my life.

  13. Man those were the days back in the mid-90's, when the Braves had Smoltz, Maddux, Glavine, Wohlers, Chipper, Ryan Klesko ( :wub ), Javy Lopez, Mark Lemke, Fred McGriff, Blauser...good times.


    I have a ball that Steve Avery, Javy Lopez, Mark Lemke, and Ryan Klesko signed. It's unconfirmable, but it was supposedly hit by David Justice in BP. There's a huge mark on it from the bat.


    I can't believe it could be over for Smoltz. But if he says he's in pain you know it has to be bad. That guy would still pitch if a tiger bit his arm off.

  14. And also, for the record, in Florida at least it was really the Republican legislature that made the decision to move the primary date up, probably at least in part so as to intentionally help create this controversy within the Democratic party.

    As a Florida democrat I assumed this was the case but actually only 2 people out of both houses voted against moving the date, and they were both Republicans. So that decision was made by both sides of the aisle.


    If it wasn't moved up, I'm not sure who would have won. Probably still Clinton, but you never know. They didn't campaign here and not many people knew Obama. There was high voter turnout because of a high profile state amendment and I think when it got to the president question, people may have voted for name recognition.

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