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Posts posted by mfwahl

  1. Some Fav's (other than the obligatory Waltz)


    Cocksucker Blues (Stones) :blink

    Bittersweet Motel (Phish) :music

    End of the Century (Ramones) :thumbup

    The Future is Unwritten (Joe Strummer) :thumbup

    Don't Look Back (Dylan) B)

    No Direction Home (Dylan) :shifty

    Okonokos (My Morning Jacket) :w00t

    If I Should Fall From Grace (Shane McGowan of The Pogues) :beer

    Amazing Journey - The Story of The Who :worship


    Making this list has got me all nostalgic. Man I love great music doc's. Music Confession: sometimes it takes a visual element to pull me into a band's music (and/or interview's that enlighten their perspective). Without Bittersweet Motel or IATTBYH, it would've taken me much longer to get into two of my now favorite bands, Phish and Wilco.

    You should see The Kids Are Alright. It's much better than Amazing Journey. One of the best rock movies around.

  2. The making of Steely Dan's Aja is interesting, just to have the two of them sitting there, finishing each other's sentences, the sessions guys and how they found themselves fitted into the process, finding a well placed squeak on the 64th track. etc.


    Sweet. I have that on my computer. I'll have to watch that tonight since my Braves are playing an afternoon game today. I wonder if they interview Michael McDonald. He makes me laugh because all I can think of is Yacht Rock and 40 Year Old Virgin when I hear his name.

  3. Maybe it's the 2nd edition of what is already out there. since the original is no longer available for commercial purchase and there is still a demand for it, this is printing number two (similar to how there are 1st editions, 2nd editions and such with books).


    From looking around more this seems like the most likely scenario. The enhanced CD is still available for purchase but the LP is not. The only new releases scheduled for this year so far, according to Amazon, is for the LP version. So I guess it's just a repressing of the YHF vinyl.


    Here's the search I did for Wilco by release date on Amazon.

  4. Then you may have answered this question before: if you can only take one with you which would it be? And why?


    I recently rewatched the VH1 "rockumentary" on the making of the 2nd, and it had some interesting backfill. It wasn't all Robertson, all the time either.


    Ooh, I need to see that. Was that part of the classic albums show? I just recently watched a few of those: Plastic Ono Band, Apostrophe/Over-Nite Sensation, Catch A Fire. The Plastic Ono Band one was really good.

  5. thanks Gin, I hadn't thought of modules. I never fully understood how they worked, I do have a small midi keyboard we could use. thing is we don't even really need a full 88 key. and its worth considering whatever we decide on must be able to fit into a Fiat Cinquecento hehe


    The keyboardist in the last band I was in had a module and it worked great. It takes up no room. I think his keyboard was 60 something keys, the module wasn't big either. The sounds were great. He had a decent one with lots of sounds. For improvising it was great because he could do an organ solo, then throw in some gunshots or a car accident. When we would play with other bands sometimes he would play the sound of crickets after someone elses song.

  6. For pasta, the best thing I've found is Barilla plus. It's better than whole wheat. It's made from all types of grains and legumes. It's the best tasting pasta I've ever had and it's high in protein, omeg-3's and fiber.

  7. I relate with you. I ate chicken ceasar salad for dinner every day until I couldn't take it anymore and ate nothing but Pizza Rolls for a week straight.


    Fruit salad is good. Where I live (FL) the grocery store (Publix) has it already made for cheap. Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes, strawberries, pineapple. It tastes like candy, fills you up, and hydrates me pretty good too.


    I got sick of salads. I switched to spinach instead of lettuce and back in the game. I've also learnt to mix them up with things like sunflower seeds, walnuts, different cheeses.


    Fish: Tuna and Salmon. Really good for you and really tasty. These two don't taste like fish either in case you don't like it.


    I'm not real creative with the food, so hopefully someone has some good recipes. Eating right is hard. My problem is if you drink more pale ale than water, there is no way to burn that many extra calories.

  8. He has been in several films over the years - and there is also a movie that features all the band members - except for Robbie.

    Levon was in Coal Miner's Daughter

    The movie with The Band - JRR is called Man Outside

  9. this thread makes me sad. I LOVE cheese. Used to find some way to eat it with every meal. *sigh* it has been banned from my diet: allergic. so so tragic. i'll live vicariously through everyone else though. yummy yummy cheeses!


    My heart goes out to you. If I was in your place, I would have to shoplift 8 oz of Gouda a day just to get some sort of cheese-related excitement into my life.

  10. When McCains age is brought up is it ok to point also to BHO's race?


    Age, race, religion or gender?


    I don't intend to but it seems just as ignorant.


    The Nation had a pretty good column talking about this. The author is the same as John McCain and he was explaining that age shouldn't be taboo because, unlike race and gender, it does effect your ability to lead, cognize, not shit your pants, etc.


    Of course this is from a pinko liberal rag, so who knows what they would say if Barack was 90 yrs old.

  11. There's a lot of stuff that didn't make the movie that I wish did. Especially more of the band's performances from that night:

    Life is a Carnival

    This Wheel's on Fire

    Acadian Driftwood

    W.S. Walcott

    Chest Fever (I hate when the Method cuts off in the movie just as it's about to rock).


    Studio: Also, in addition to The Weight and Evangeline, I would have liked a video of The Well. That's one of the best songs I have ever heard.


    Overall, The Last Waltz is way too heavy on the guests. It must have been hard to decide what to include and what not to when there are so many superstars involved. But as a fan of the band, I would love a no guest DVD. It would probably be out by now if there is, but I would to see a video of the NYE show that became Rock of Ages. That is one the best live discs I've ever heard. A lot of songs played, a lot with horns, amazing performances. And then Dylan comes out.

  12. That's because Robbie was producing an album for him at the time.

    And co-wrote the track with him that they play live.


    BTW a sad note from theband.hiof.no:


    An extensive website dedicated to the legendary rock group The Band, started at this location in October 1994 and was closed in June 2008. Most of our massive archives will probably be back on-line soon, after some much-needed cleaning up. Thanks to the musicians, to all our friends, to everyone who contributed and to the millions of visitors that made The Band web site bigger and better than in our wildest dreams.


    This site was great. Hopefully they get the archives up soon.

  13. I keep seeing that there's a music video for i'm a wheel but I can't find out anything about it. Apparently it's live and one site said it's taken from "album A new ghost in town" but that just sounds silly. Also is first aired the week of July 12, 2004. Anyone have Vol 29 and/or seen it? I searched the forum and didn't see anything.


    mvdbase.com - Wilco

    Dvd Project - Volume 29

  14. No, he's a good party chair, IMO. Way better than McAulliffe was.


    Dean is an excellent chair. His 50 state approach is working as we see in the success of Barack Obama and in congressional races. McAuliffe is horrible. And since his time as head of the party is being brought up it's important to note that during his time as chair, Michigan wanted to move their primary date up for the 2004 election and Terry was adamant not to let that happen. Here's a quote from his memoir:


    "I'm going outside the primary window," [Michigan Sen. Carl Levin] told me definitively.


    "If I allow you to do that, the whole system collapses," I said. "We will have chaos. I let you make your case to the DNC, and we voted unanimously and you lost."


    He kept insisting that they were going to move up Michigan on their own, even though if they did that, they would lose half their delegates. By that point Carl and I were leaning toward each other over a table in the middle of the room, shouting and dropping the occasional expletive.


    "You won't deny us seats at the convention," he said.


    "Carl, take it to the bank," I said. "They will not get a credential. The closest they'll get to Boston will be watching it on television. I will not let you break this entire nominating process for one state. The rules are the rules. If you want to call my bluff, Carl, you go ahead and do it."


    We glared at each other some more, but there was nothing much left to say. I was holding all the cards and Levin knew it.


    Now as head of Clinton campaign, he's kind of changed his tune. This guy's a serious loser and a big reason why I could never support Hillary. In addition to any criticism of Clinton herself, it is important to note her innate ability to get herself surrounded with poor excuses for human beings, i.e. Mark Penn. As we've seen with Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld, the people behind the president can make a huge difference.

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