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lost highway

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Everything posted by lost highway

  1. http://www.sfgate.com/business/bloomberg/article/Romney-Persona-Non-Grata-in-Italy-for-Bain-s-3765066.php
  2. Romney is getting more heat because Bain sold an Italian communications company while sweeping it through Luxembourg, to duck some Italian and American taxes. He made a fortune. The prime minister of Italy has called him "Persona non grata".
  3. The internet; a voice for the insane, the stupid, the brilliant, the decent, and the grotesque. 1st Amendment rights..... game on.
  4. I was there for night two at Red Rocks and was blown away. Most surprising was a cameo by John Oates (of Hall and Oates) on a Curtis Mayfield cover.
  5. I'm not sure everyone is used to reading TWL as The Whole Love, and they're seeing it as WTA. I'd say the Whole Love is a more consistent effort in songwriting, a more engaging listen in arrangement and production, and all around a better album. There are a few highs on SBS that could challenge many songs on TWL (You Are My Face, Impossible Germany), but all around TWL takes the cake for me because: I'd rather hear Standing O than Walken Rising Red Lung over Leave Me Like You Found Me Born Alone over Shake It Off One Sunday Morning over On and On and On Black Moon over Please Be Patient W
  6. Sparky, thank you for giving some really honest, detailed posts. I share a lot of your fears and I think it's important to have some other voices in our conversation (if not in our system) to break up the perspective between the old GOP vs DEM conversations. I also agree that unchecked bank gambling has left our dollar a lot less sound. How do you feel about the green light on auditing the federal reserve? There must be some satisfaction in that, right?
  7. It's interesting. I could not disagree more with your first statement, and I couldn't agree more with your second. I see too many corporate/lobbyist influences between the two, but very different potential for the country. To say that they are the same, would be the same as saying Obama is just like Bush. You could talk about how many people died from drone strikes, and you'd be right (too many). But that does not make Obama's military approach anything like Bush's. We already know Obama is interested in moderating the pentagon budget, in order to balance the budget. We already know Ro
  8. I'm not sure if the moderators will tolerate another foray into the inflammatory world of contemporary American politics, but I enjoyed many of the exchanges in the last one. I for one find debating with someone with a different perspective to be challenging, invigorating and often informative. I for one can get a bit carried away and respond in a way that is too flippant to advance the conversation, so I would like to promote a forum where we can challenge each other to moderate our feelings with logic and share our perspectives as election season draws closer. Maybe we can start with a l
  9. Nice! Mikael seems like such a cool guy, he has such a unique musical voice. It's cool to get to see it presented stronger (like in Pronto) and then go back to Wilco recordings and be able to feel out his influence.
  10. That's totally true about the Clinton years going into the Bush years. Many people say the real estate crisis was already being brewed back in the Clinton days. The budget however, looked great under Clinton. Then Bush took us on two failed wars, one of which was based on a lie, the other he had no conviction for. While him and Cheney were sending us on some wild misadventures they were also cutting taxes. Barney Frank was on TV talking about how the power of our military was necessary in WWII to keep an outside force from literally being capable of taking over our country. The cold wa
  11. Not yet. There it is. Mitt Romney made a point of acknowledging the cultural superiority of a country that is highly successful, while it is the 4th highest recipient for USAID (that's non-military funding, nestled right between such dissimilar countries as Haiti and Kenya) and has a budget surplus. We worry about our deficit, yet were donating to a wealthy country with a surplus. All that aside, you have taken a cautious and well measured stance to moderate what could be unfair accusations against Gov Romney. What are your motivations? Are you looking for something redeemable eno
  12. Yet Israel was given this opportunity.. That is exactly what Israel represents in modern history: the kind of opportunities other countries can give. Yes, they have used the opportunity brilliantly, but you don't hear as many people celebrating the tyrannical power of Saudi Arabia, but by these measures they are also a smashing success. You were quick to generalize about the evils of "Arab culture", yet no one seems to consider the thread of intolerance and religious extremism in Israeli culture. This is a wide detour, but to bring it home to the conversation at hand; the explanations fo
  13. Perhaps because they receive billions of dollars a year from the U.S., more than any other country for a period of a half a century. They've been given the opportunity to industrialize while neighboring countries merely produce raw goods. Those are two reasons. As you mentioned, one needs several books to describe them all. I don't think Mittens read the book before he visited.
  14. I admit that some of my impression of his attitude is based on his history and his demeanor. MItt Romney seems better equipped to be an aristocrat than be in office, just as Joe Biden seems better equipped to schmooze at a bowling tournament than a fundraiser. One thing that both Clinton and Kennedy knew how to do was communicate gracefully with different groups of people from different sides of American culture, as well as abroad. They had an abstract, subjective skill of acknowledging people's dignity.
  15. Then why is he directing his tax breaks towards the wealthy but not the working class? Why does he think Israel is richer than Palestine because they're "culturally better"? Why would he put so much energy in repealing the Affordable Care Act that just today insured the health of millions of women who were not formerly covered?
  16. And on that note, Romney's tax plan would help the rich and burden everyone else: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/study-romney-tax-plan-would-result-in-cuts-for-rich-higher-burden-for-others/2012/08/01/gJQAbeCCOX_story.html?fb_ref=sm_btn_fb&fb_source=home_multiline
  17. Romney has demonstrated he believes in the former, while attacking Obama for falling victim to the latter.
  18. It appears Romney not only has a hard time understanding the dynamics of poverty on a domestic level, he also struggles to comprehend them at an international level: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/30/1115049/-Romney-defends-insulting-Palestinians-Hey-I-also-said-Mexico-s-culture-sucks-And-Ecuador-s-too Mitt would suggest that the economic superiority of Israel in comparison to Palestine is due to Israel's cultural superiority. He believes the Jewish folk are just plain better at making money. After receiving all the grief expected he expanded his statement to some other examples:
  19. Fair enough, my spelling was in vain. I don't know if "a meat grinder for young Americans" has fully entered into the common vernacular. Maybe I can get this year's candidates to start using it. We could have pundits saying: "But what does Obama propose for the meat grinder?"
  20. It's important enough to never go to war because almost all of them are a total joke and a meat grinder for young Americans and their unlucky targets. The last four decades of military sacrifice have been shamefully in vein. Fighting communism? Terrorism? As an American this garbage embarrasses me. I'm really into paying taxes, but not for killing people abroad. There's my savings plan.
  21. Yes, our engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan both did outstanding things for our economy.
  22. Would it be better to just vote for Romney and avoid hypothesizing what he thinks?
  23. I've been steering clear of the voter id debate here, but this is worth looking at: http://www.salon.com/2012/07/27/fla_republican_we_suppressed_black_votes/
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