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About sonnyfeeling

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  • Birthday 09/29/1955

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  1. Susie posted a note on Facebook (and it was confirmed by a band member last night) that they ended the set early because Jeff was not feeling well and needed medical treatment for heat exhaustion, aggravated by his hip issues. He's apparently doing better now. I'm interested to hear what he says when they take the stage tonight. Maybe something along the lines of "Where were we?"
  2. I think you might have missed this part from earlier: It has not been re-released.
  3. (Sorry for the late reply. Just noticed this!) Thanks! I've got my copy of Audacity just sitting here and will probably do this now that it's apparent they're in no rush to fix this release.
  4. I still have not heard back from them. They said they would be in touch when they re-released the show, but apparently it's not a priority. Guess I should feel fortunate to have the show even if one track is slightly messed up.
  5. As I understand it, the event is every other year, just like Solid Sound. So far it's been 2020 and 2022, so the next one should be January 2024... And if past experience is any indication, it will be announced in May 2023.
  6. I heard back from the Kung Fu Store. They said the release was "posted prematurely by mistake." They say it will be updated later ("date is TBD") and they will contact me when the revised version is available. Guess we have collector's items here.
  7. Thanks for confirming! I sent an email to the Kung Fu Store people describing the problem. We'll see if they can get a fix out.
  8. If you've purchased and downloaded the new Roadcase releases from the 2022 Sky Blue Sky festival, can you check a track and see if your copy has this flaw? Roadcase 095, 2022-01-20, track 8, Far Far Away The song ends normally at about the 3:19 mark, and then at 3:30 or so the last minute or so of the track abruptly cuts back in and repeats. If someone else can reproduce this flaw, I'll try to figure out how to report it to Wilco HQ and see if they can release a fixed version.
  9. We were standing a few feet to the right of Señor bbop and I can attest to the enthusiasm of the audience, which included one family near us from Valencia that were absolute diehard Wilco fans and knew every song. Nels played like he was making up for several lost days in one, and the entire band seemed ... joyful.
  10. My unpopular opinion: I also found the Sunday set uninspiring. If Solid Sound is going to sell this many tickets and be out in the middle of the country where people have to drive fairly long distances to find accommodations, there should be three Wilco sets. Let Tweedy (the band) have a set in the daytime just like the other band members' side projects.
  11. Please don't let these tickets go to waste. If you can use them, tell me your story.
  12. Alas, can't make it after all. Our loss is your gain. Tickets have been delivered to me (as digital passes). Face value is $398. Open to any reasonable offer. Send a PM and I can get them to you immediately. If you can use them, make your case and I will transfer them to you.
  13. I have some idea how the buyout contracts with the resorts work, because I have a family member who has worked on those contracts at this very resort. And of course Mr. Tweedy has spoken about the fact that Wilco is contracted with the promoter to perform at the show. But you don't need to read the contract in detail to understand that all this is going to result in financial hardship for many of the people involved.
  14. I am in fact married to a person who made her living for many years as a PR person, and I make my living today by writing. The trouble here isn't that no one has come up with the right words. It's that the party in charge (the promoter) isn't willing to make a decision that will probably bankrupt them. In the case of Dead & Co., the promoters didn't make that decision until they literally had no other choice because multiple band members and staff had come down with COVID and the show could not go on. This isn't about words, it's about actions, and like I said, all
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