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Everything posted by SlowBurn68

  1. For me this is just another "Fuck You" from him but it's just so egregious.
  2. I Love Ginger Kids - Married one. "Ginger Kids" aka "Gingervitis" is episode 136 (Season 9 episode 11) of the Comedy Central series South Park. It aired on November 9, 2005. http://allsp.com/
  3. Shrink tubing and a hairdryer.
  4. No. But I'm more interested in why we as Americans have to tolerate this. I WANT A NEW, NEW DEAL NOW.
  5. What's the point of having Articles of Impeachment if their never used? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,287780,00.html http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19570081/
  6. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3077305241438405731
  7. I didn't find FOTC that funny, but I'll give it another shot.
  8. Looks like the link was taken down - I knew it was too good to be true. I'm glad I got to see it - but I will still need to take my wife to the theater when it comes out - and expunge my guilt for not paying for it the first time.
  9. I shouldn't say that - I love this country, it just hurts so bad after watching this movie.
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9006414844032752909 I hate this fucking country.
  11. I'm pissed that in my "VW Driver" magazine it said nothing about the Wilco commercial in their new adds section.
  12. Americans shrinking as junk food takes its toll Poverty and poor diet mean the average US man is getting smaller, while Europeans keep growing taller Robin McKie, science editor Sunday April 4, 2004 The Observer Researchers have made a startling discovery: Americans are shrinking. A nation once famed for its strapping, well-nourished youth is gradually diminishing in physical stature. By contrast, the heights of men and women from Europe are increasing inexorably. The average Dutchman, whose country produces the Continent's loftiest men, is now more than six feet tall - almost two in
  13. "Where Is My Mind" Pixies mono tone-ringtone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAT48J097nA
  14. Yea!!! Still looking for "Music For Boys"
  15. Sorry - Just a lil cranky theses days - I appreciate all your posts - Just tired of the fab4.
  16. I guess I wasn't in on the joke...
  17. Did I say something wrong?
  18. According to wilcoworld - Jeff Tweedy will guest star as the Voice of God on the Comedy Central cartoon Lil' Bush which premieres on July 11 at 10:30 EDT. But the premiere is tonight...
  19. Good god - stop with all the Beatles garbage.
  20. There is an east side Chicago and has it's own ward. I love "Don't Stop Belivin" - That song was playing when I first kissed a girl during a slow skate at some roller-rink in S. Sioux City IA.
  21. I would like to know just how much Jeff was involved in this marketing strategy. I guess I would find it disturbing if he was completely engaged and taking meetings and such.
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