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Big Perm

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Everything posted by Big Perm

  1. chew on a licorice root, and cinnamon tea tree toothpicks.
  2. So, the Apple store fixed my ipod, like I said it would not come on, they re-set the firmware, wiped it clean. Works now. I could not get a solid answer as to why this happened. Apprently, it shant happen again.
  3. On my 6th birthday, Superman visited my house, now that was a big to-do. He landed in the back yard.
  4. prolly a dumb question, is LK still aorund?
  5. I think the pilot, which was written & Directed by Peter Berg, same guy who did the movie, is really good. As far TV pilots go. I've seen the 2nd & 3rd episodes in rough cut forms. I don't know, tough to tell if it will fly or not, I 've read through the first 7 episodes, Have to bite my tongue on some things, just not my taste - but it's a kick ass job, so I hope it lasts.
  6. I love my 60 video ipod, of course it won't turn on this morning.
  7. I owe greggy for turning me on to them, or maybe I don't. Looking forward to hearing it!!!.
  8. "He's thrown a kettle over a pub, what've you done?"
  9. I'm enjoying it, still taking it in. The new magnolia E- co that is.
  10. "My Name is Ben, I do the disco, I like New York"
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