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Everything posted by zebra

  1. Yeah, it's a lot. There were a few times I got an error message.
  2. Afterwards, I bet some people went into a Wilco coma, like a sugar coma, only with Wilco.
  3. And no one will be there....and he will cry.
  4. We've been virtually kicked out of the virtual concert. Wow.
  5. My I add, "Sweet Jesus"? Wait...it's gone.
  6. It would be great if Jeff came on after a few hours like, "Why are you still listening to this?"
  7. I can't wait until the rest of these shows are able to be downloaded.
  8. I always see John Travolta dancing from "Pulp Fiction" in my head when I hear this.
  9. Do you guys think there will be more after this?
  10. They must have been off stage for that.
  11. I thought the state of Illinois has a "No interfering with the drone'' law?!?
  12. Does everybody else hear crackling noises over the drone?
  13. I like the subtle On Fillmore cymbal stuff Glenn is doing.
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