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Posts posted by morelikethemoon

  1. wow... these songs turned out better than i could have wished for. i cant begin to describe how happy/excited i am right now. especially 'you are my face'.. yikes, maybe its the fact that i haven't heard new wilco studio material in what seems like eons but this album sounds like its going to be grand

  2. first we had "let's not get carried away" and now we have "shake it off"......now let me ask, is it bad the blisters are playing better than wilco is?


    i agree.. the most recent new songs have been thoroughly disappointing. i was so excited about the new record after hearing the first 8 or so new songs, but the recent ones have me a little confused about what direction the record is going in. nevertheless, i have complete faith in jeff... im sure hell put together the right group of songs in the studio. (p.s. i kind of miss on & on & on, so don't forget about that one jeff, thanks)

  3. Did I miss the mention of Lullaby in the article? :punch. Anyway great article I can't wait to hear Sky Blue Sky and You Are My Face and it looks like they aren't going to go with Walken as a song title.




    yeah... what am i missing? i dont see the zamboni man song being metnioned.

  4. i cant seem to find the youtube video of it.. can someone link me? if not, whenever there is an mp3 of the song, i would appreciate if someone could ysi..


    also, does anyone know anything about the 'new song' they played the night before at west lafayette... wilco base referred to it as 'unknown' and the setlist that they have on the site calls it "LNGC Away"


    any help is appreciated

  5. In Kot's "Learning How to Die" he spends a whole section explaining this song. I can't remember exactly what it said, but something to the effect that either all of, or majority of the ending was improvised... including jay's piano parts (jay had just started seriously playing piano on that record). The reason behind this is because I think Jeff wrote this song the morning that they recorded it and they never really worked out an ending before taping. I do remember Kot talking about how everything towards the end of the song was not only improvised but pretty choatic; jeff 'smashes' his guitar and in the process knocks over his mic, therefore forcing him to sing through the piano microphone. Im sure there was more to it, but right now I can't seem to recall all the details...I apologize if I messed any of story up, I read the book in the beginnng of the summer...

  6. i was hoping someone had an mp3 of this one. ive only been privy to a few listens, from the dvd and a live show. thanks in advance!

    ysi is being difficult... ill try again in the morning.

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