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Spawn's dad

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Posts posted by Spawn's dad

  1. that's gotta be good for business



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  2. so some big football player dude got bent out of shape because some douche calls him by a girl's name? brilliant. we would greatly improve the genetics of mankind by putting all these guys down.

  3. Do you have the original pic, without the boobage cropped out?


    life is short

    in spite of your plans

    so tell the girls they're pretty while you can

    cause one day they're gone

    and all you've got left

    is some empty bottles

    and an old country song

    that plays on and on




  4. I would avoid Rhett's solo stuff, that is, unless you are a 17 year old girl and think he's dreamy.


    i would tend to agree. I enjoy the instigator, but believer is a train wreck. alive & wired is lifeless...seek out any of thier older live shows making the torrent rounds. thier first five albums were in daily rotation for me for years.


    i'd rank them:


    wreck your life

    hitchhike to rhome

    too far to care

    fight songs

    Satellite Rides



    ultimately a best of the old 97s would cover all the bases, and I imagine will be thier ultimate legacy.


    if I never heard question again in this lifetime I might start to believe god is actually listening

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