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Posts posted by chanman1128

  1. No, I can totally relate.. on both points.


    You're talking about the Red Rocks Ween/Flips show right? I was there and I concur. Not the best show for the FLips. On the other hand, it was a rockin' Ween show and the flipped bill the week prior was exactly the opposite: great Flaming Lips show and somewhat weak Ween show. So there you go...



    I am actually talking about the one in syracuse, FLips headlined...

    Also I have a little pet peeve about a lead singer yelling for you to sing along...and at one point he told us to yell 'FUCK YOU' or something so DC could hear us, i thought that was totally lame.


    Ween pulled out Don't Sweat it...sounded great

  2. I disagree more with the first than the second. I am huge fan of both bands and I never felt like the FLips "show" detracted from the music. Maybe you saw an off show; maybe it's just not your thing.


    But really the main reason i replied to your post is Phish. I think most here know I am a big fan, but I can totally relate. I thought they were a much better band when they were playing tight jams that didn't mess around. I thought the later years jams were often lazy with quantity (time) making up for lack of quality. (NOTE: others will argue you need to give these jams time in order to GET to the quality, but I disagree). Anyway, I know you're relatively young (you said so in the other thread), so you probably never saw them when they were practicing. I would give them another chance if you can, because they are SUPPOSED to be practicing a lot again.



    Ok, i am going to come clean and say that the Flaming Lips were not that bad, I was just really pissed off because I saw them with Ween, and I was having such a good time when ween got cut short...it was such a freakin buzz kill, by the time Flaming Lips came on i wasnt even looking forward to them anymore. Nobody can stand up to ween in my opinion. So that is the case for that one...


    For Phish, i respect them a lot, and i really like a lot of their live shit, it was an ambient 'birds of a feather' jam that really killed me. Hopefully that doesn't bother you too much as a big phish fan. Sorry if it does. I know most of their catalog. It is more of the ambient shit that kills me...I really like Harry Hood and Divided SKy..... I love the studio version of YEM, but sometimes even that song gets too much for me live...I have a certain time threshold where I cannot tolerate anymore of the same song. Music ADD. I will give them another chance and at some point, i will see them again.

  3. Not sure, but maybe 1 is the bottom instead of 0.


    In that case a 10 and a 2 would have to be a 5.5, and not a 6 because if a one and a ten generated a 5 and a 2 and a ten generated a 6, then every number above one would hold a higher value even though the numerical unit between each number would be 1. It wouldn't make any sense. Kind of like this post.

  4. Flaming Lips....I know a lot of you will disagree, but it was more of a show than a concert. I am there for the music, i could do without all the other bullshit that comes with a flaming lips concert, i was not digging it.


    Phish...Phish is okay, but I just can't sit through 30 minute long jams, and the concert I went to had a couple of really dragged out jams...I was bored as hell while all these dirty hippies were noodle dancing.


    I also went to Big SUmmer Classic one year and almost killed myself.

  5. I am only 21, so most of these are contemporary:


    Ween (8 times...unreal every time)


    Wilco (4 times..one of my all time favorite concerts was in Portland Maine a couple years ago...changed my life...they need to go back there..i think it was merrill auditorium or something, real nice place)


    Built To Spill (only twice...one of the times was on the PFNO tour, one of my fav cds.)


    Dr. Dog (seen once, going to be twice in Boston, saw them at the Iron Horse...so fun...so much energy)


    Neil Young in Worcester...overall great night.

  6. I also don't know what to make of the band teacher. I think it is suppose to be funny, but to me its really disturbing. With that music playing at the end of the second episode made that whole scene feel very drowsy. Was it suppose to be funny or just really awkward/bizarre?


    I just don't think this is a well-made show. I feel like an idiot could have wrote this stuff.

  7. I saw the trailer after i read your comments and thought it looked lame...


    then i downloaded the first two episodes, watched both of them, and I have to say they were terrible.


    This show is pretty weak. Not too funny.


    What is up with his brother? Freakin weird actor.

  8. have they actually had a career after Push the little daises?. they're referred to as one hit wonders in Australia



    this quote kills me man...def top 3 favorite bands...they are great...as people said, choco and cheese is great, i personally love all their stuff. Try to get into them if u are at all interested in a great band.


    The best band nobody knows about.

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