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Papillon Parade

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Posts posted by Papillon Parade

  1. If there is less interest in this story, I chalk it up to that less lives were taken than at the VT rampage. This isn't meant in a callous way at all or that the import is not as great for the recent events, but that it's already been covered (in the eyes of the media) to a lesser degree.


    Sadly, I agree. It seems as though the media is almost bored with covering these school shootings, and I by no means say this to curtail what has happened. What I really wish the media would stop with is sensationalizing the KILLER. Stop showing videos and photos of them. They are no longer a threat as most of them commit suicide afterwards, so what's the point of splattering their face all over the place? I'm sure if it was one of my family members that had been involved I would definitely NOT want to see that. It seems to me that seeing someone else get so much media coverage could spur on another potential killer. Many of these guys leave ramblings behind of how they want to die "famous", and this is how they do it...because they've seen others do it.

  2. With a gun for just about every American, I think the genie's really out of the bottle in terms of gun control. Frankly, I don't want a government with the power it would need to take everybody's gun away - a beast that would make Nazi Germany look like the Berkeley City Council. We have a much better chance to cut down on these kinds of things by beefing up mental illness treatment.

    I agree, one problem with that though is keeping these people in treatment. This guy went off his medication which is what they are blaming his behaviour on. Not to mention the gun deaths as a result of gang violence, domestic disturbances and home invasions. These are more a case of rage and a lack of self control rather than mental illness. It's an enormous issue that has completely spiraled out of control, so much so that there may be no hope of reconstruction.

  3. I know many alums and people whose kids go there now. All of the victims seem to be from the Chicago suburbs. What a tragedy.


    Apparently, the shooter stopped taking his medication, though they don't say what or what it was prescribed for. Also, two of the guns found on him were purchased legally within the last week.


    Apparently he bought them from the same company that sold guns to the Virginia Tech killer.


    Just how many innocent people have to be killed before the gun laws are changed? The sad part is that even if guns were banned, there would still be people out there making and selling them for profit illegally regardless of how many people they kill. :ohwell

  4. This is one of the coolest pieces of art I've seen. It's a kinetic sculpture of Woodie Guthrie by Tom Haney. Be sure to check out the video to see it move in the bottom right corner.


    Woody Guthrie Art


    From the artists website:


    I wanted to let everyone know, especially those in the Chicago area, that I have 6 pieces of work at:


    Perfect Pear Gallery

    712 North State Street

    Chicago, IL 60610

    phone 312-255-1750





    also Master and Everyone - Bonnie "Prince" Billy


    you say there are other fish in the sea

    and you say that another gathers roses for me

    but on this we will agree

    you will do what you want/

    and I will do what I want

    I'm now free a master and everyone

    servant of all and servant to none.



    Nice choice. I've gotta go with I Gave You from Bonnie:


    I gave you a child, and you didn't want it

    That's the most that I have to give.

    I gave you a house, and you didn't haunt it

    Now where am I supposed to live.

    I gave you a tree and you did not embrace it

    I gave you a nightmare and you didn't chase it

    I'd give you a dream and you'd only wake from it

    Now I'll never go to sleep again.

    I'd give you a treasure and you'd only take from it

    Look at the hole where jewelry had been

    Baby oh baby

    Why must you escape from it

    This love that we once called our friend.


    I gave you my body and you ate aplenty

    I gave you ten lives and you wasted twenty.

    Now I'm standing empty, helpless and bare, without a morsel left of me to give

    And you, you have vanished, into the air

    The air in which I must live

  6. I walked into a very hip furniture store in Halifax, NS a few weeks ago and what do I hear - You Are My Face. Sweet. Only there's a problem, now I feel compelled to buy something in the overpriced store just because of their taste in music. I decide to wait and see what comes on next, if it's the entire CD - I buy something, mixed CD/Radio - I walk. Yada yada yada...I am the proud owner of a VERY pricey curtin rod for my dining room.

  7. Not sure how many of you would be familiar with the British artist Reggie Pedro, but sadly, he passed away recently at the young age of 35.


    "Pedro is best known for his record cover artwork for Mercury award-winning band Gomez between 1998 and 1999, for which he won an award for best illustrator within the music industry in 2000."


    We have subway size posters of the Gomez covers mentioned above throughout our house. Last year I dealt with Reggie when I bought a few original pieces of his artwork for my boyfriend's birthday. He will be missed by many.









  8. I have a friend that does that, too. I just do NOT get it!!! I always think of vegeterians as "healthy" eaters, so why go to McDonald's?!? :huh But you should see what he packs away at our restaurant and when we all do the late-night Denny's thing...SOOOOOOOOO gross!!!


    I used to think that too...until I started hanging around with some veggies who would chastise me as I ate a hamburger while they sat there and polished off a big bag of chips..then a chocolate bar...then some kind of dip...


    However, my all time favorite fast food is a local place called *drumroll*... A&K Lick-A-Chick Restuarant.



  9. I saw the Freewheeling show in Boston last night and thought it was great. I have seen them a bunch of times over the years but it was fun to see them in such a relaxed and intimate environment. I don't have a set list but it seemed like it was about half songs they had planned and the other half was requests. They did a Roky Erickson song, a Volcano Suns song, two Sun Ra covers (including Nuclear War), and even one of James' songs from Dump. I definitely recommend seeing this tour if you are a fan.


    I am so insanely jealous! My trip ended up being cancelled (:ohwell) due to the sudden firing of our company president by our BOD and the hold on our assets. I managed to sell my tix, but it hurt. Glad you had a good night.

  10. I work for a sustainable design company...I FORCE my co-workers to listen to Wilco daily. Oh sure they make their "Woolco" jokes, but deep down they love it. As for hearing Wilco in public, I live in a remote area of Nova Scotia where they just don't understand anything but fiddles or bagpipes.

  11. this is a week old, but i still felt like it needed to be posted.



    seinfeld is pretty much the only reason i watch tv, and i love jerry... but jesus, his ego is just ridiculous.


    I agree. I'm a big Seinfeld fan, and love Jerry, but the last few interviews I've watched have been painful.

  12. as for dreams of wilco, i've had a few.

    nothing outlandish...usually the run into jeff/john/glen on the street, chat, get coffee, hit on him [whoever it is], make him feel awkward, run away...then show up at the concert later in the day like a creep.



    I love it!

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