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Posts posted by awatt

  1. As far as Country goes,you might not overtly hear it,but it sure can be high & lonesome sometimes...which is kinda country i guess


    Absolutely!! :thumbup


    Not the pop country of today, but more like the Americana roots country that you don't hear much any more. I love the high and lonesome, mournful and sorrowful sounds best. Still, I wouldn't refer to Wilco as country...they basically defy any easy categorization because of how they've evolved from AM. If forced to label, I'd stick with rock and roll.



  2. Just landed in Eureka, on our way to Victoria BC. My wife refused AWATT in the car, :angry so we got a nice variety of good music I've forgotten all about--Steely Dan, Boss, Petty, Chilli Peppers, Joni Mitchell, Elvis Costello... You know, there's a lot of great music out there, but if I'm playing the music it's still all Wilco. Tomorrow I will be more assertive about the music--Jayhawks, UT, NY, Wilco, etc. :pirate


    I've been to Vacouver once for a weekend, but never the island, so I'll be sure to explore northern part, Robert. Thanks. :D School does start soon, but not for me thank God!! :dance I do have the year off and will be finishing the book while in Victoria for the fall. Then back to Atlanta in late December. Thanks for all the wonderful leads, Dreamin. :canada I sure the hell hope Wilco plays somewhere in the region while we're there, but the way the tour dates are unfolding, I doubt it. I have to make a few trips back east so I may try and coordinate with a show or two. :pray


    Memphisto, I will write!



  3. I was stung by jellyfish in Folly Beach but refused the urine option. Used meat tenderizer instead, and you know, it actually worked! :D


    I thought the Wilco sign was something special but now see it is fairly mundane.



  4. No offense, but um, aren't you a lit prof?


    No, I'm not. And you? You're a poet or something? A professional music critic?


    No offense taken. Me, I love the simple lyrics as much as the complex from Mr. Tweedy....


    And I, I must be high

    To let you say goodbye

    Bye bye bye



  5. So we spent the week at the beach at Charleston with family and now my two boys, 7 and 9, have been influenced by their cousins, 13 and 15. They are listening to Brand New, Rammstein, the new Chilli Peppers, Bright Eyes...I'm so out of it!! I'd prefer my kids stay AWATT, but it's clear I've lost them....


    What do you think of Brand New? A cross between Blink 182 and I don't know what. :( I was concerned about them listening to Golden Smog's He's A Dick, but to tell you the truth, I like that much better than some of this new angst-ridden, sex-fueled, overly-sentimentalized crap. Oh wait, I guess that's always been rock n roll. :omg


    I'm trying to keep an open mind here but what a rude awakening to music today! :stunned


    I need a drink.



  6. This is the silliest thread I've ever read! Are you kidding me??? :brow


    Please, if you have trouble with new lyrics, go to the more complex message board for Radiohead. JT doesn't need the amateur critics here concerned about "sub-par lyrics"--what a waste of time!



  7. Just back from a great week in Charleston (except for the jellyfish attack, which was cured by pouring meat-tenderizer on the sting--really :lol ). So, we had AWATT the whole way driving and then, as we're heading east on 26 from Columbia we see a sign for Hess gas and under that a sign that says WILCO...does any South Carolinian know what the hell that refers to? I wanted to take a picture but didn't get a chance.


    It's nice to be back on VC.



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