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Posts posted by fletcher

  1. PLEASE tell me someone saw the Blisters at lollapalooza yesterday! I've seen the ad and the mini-documentary thing...but I can't get enough..I'm praying someone got some adorable photos!



    People, it's time we start posting MP3s of other members of the Tweedy clan

  2. is it me or is Mike absent from the signatures?



    From the auction site:


    Special Instructions: Signed by John Stirratt, Jeff Tweedy, Nels Cline, Pat Sansone and Glenn Kotche. Wrote "play this" and to The Firefighters Fund.


    Guess Mike was elsewhere.

  3. I thought Asheville was the show (actually both shows) where he picked up the little girl from the audience for Hummingbird? All the reviews made it should like a really touching moment, and a good show I wish I'd been at. I fell in love when w/Asheville when I was there last summer, but unfortunately not at the same time as either of those Wilco shows.


    Missed that NPR interview. Is it still around? Can someone post a link?



    That was Chapel Hill, homeboy.

  4. If you have a Top 40 hit, that doesn't mean you're on TRL, doods. I didn't see Thom Yorke kickin' it in Times Square with Damien. I think it's possible for them to gain a bigger fanbase. Besides, wouldn't it be rewarding to see them up high on Billboard next to a bunch of clowns? You know they'd keep their core values as a band...they have thus far...


    Quit the indie backlash b/s

  5. I cannot for the life of me figure out how this album is being recorded with Wilco touring, then Jeff, then Nels and Glenn and all the rest of it...I'm getting frustrated. I'm willing to pack away the live shows so they can get started.


    Also, I'm puzzled by this new record. No band fallout and lineup changes? Have we hit a dry spot? I don't think so. I think this is the perfect lineup.

  6. I'm a seventeen year old(legal in august!) aspiring journalist (i'm hoping for NYU fall of '07) and I have a girlfriend of two years and a few months, whom I slowly, slowly turned into a wilco fan with the aid of countless mixes and 2 shows (and tweedy in august!). I work at a drycleaner in my neighborhood, and, when it's slow (and it usually is) I love to crank Being There.


    Unfortunately, I don't have a vivid "first time" moment, although I do believe it was Jesus Etc. I went out and bought YHF instantly, fell in love and have since bought each Wilco album twice (scratched up older copies, on loan ,gave as gifts etc).


    My first few transcending memories of Wilco are listning to Summerteeth and aimlessly driving up and down a newly finished highway. I remember thinking "She's a Jar" summed up everything I love about music in 6 harmonica notes. I also remember my mind being blown this past March at the opening night at Chapel Hill. I paid $290 for four tickets, two of which I sold (i'm still out fifty bucks). I don't regret a single dollar. I drove three and a half hours from richmond virginia on a school night. That's a story in itself.



    My computer says I have about two GBs of wilco material.




    I think Jeff Tweedy is undoubtedly the best songwriter of the past decade or so. Easily. I won't go into detail, I see no use in preachin' to the choir.


    Also, this is the best thread ever. I love being able to read about these people I see comment so much.


    I also love this board. Ever so much. Money is always short on this end, but I should have some money coming my way, and I will gladly donate.

  7. :realmad


    I'm so irritated by the fact-checking that goes into these wilco show reviews! I read every article on the Canadian tour, and they were all full of embarassing slip-ups (Minus one, which referenced "Pecan Pie", whether it was intentional or not). One journalist mentioned the moment where Jeff spreads his arms and repeats "I Love."


    I Love

    I Love

    I Love is all we have



    I mean, if they messed up a lyrics in some semi-obscure gem, I'd understand. But if you've heard Wilco, you've undoubtedly heard "Jesus, Etc." Does this stuff irritate anyone else?


    I think it's for two reasons 1) I'm jealous that I don't have the writer's gig and 2) It's something I care about. Hell, if the New York Times was this crappy with their reporting (on any topic), I wouldn't care. Just so long as they called the new track "Impossible Germany" rather than "Unlikely Japan."

  8. Well, here is the latest version of "What Light" from Montreal:




    And the rearranged version of impossible Germany, with the solo in the middle:




    these are courtesy of viachicago user blane, and the full flac version is up on bt.etree.org



    When I listen to Impossible Germany (this July 10th version), I can almost fill in the lyrics "and it doessssn't seem to mean anything..." from you-know-where. Try it from 3:35 - 3:44

  9. You mean when we started to hear songs that weren't good?



    I don't know when that was. All I can remember is hearing...songs that wound up on AGIB. So...maybe you're on the wrong forum. Maybe check the Comatorium.


    I'm so psyched. Especially in the wake of a solo Jeff DVD news, I really don't mind the boys taking their sweet time to put this new one together. It's hard/impossible to guess what'll be a b-side and what'll be album-material, but I'm hearing this new stuff and all I can envision is this new, refreshed Wilco, who, in it's later years, has shed pounds, come out of a bad divorce and looks great naked. I'm thinking more summerteethy organ swells, more yhf artistic confidence and more A.M. approachability. Whereas more recent Wilco becomes deeply rewarding upon more listens, I think the new material will be instantaneously warming and be consistently filling upon thousands more spins.



    But yeah, either way, stardog, I think you've just made an innocent mistake. You're accidentally logged onto Via Chicago. This board is for a band that makes consistently varied, challenging music. Maybe you're thinking of Dylan 28 years ago.

  10. I went bowling before the broadcast was starting so I only have everything after "I'm the Man Who Loves You" recorded (though I know others were recording, so its ok)


    Anyhow, if there are any single song requests you just need to hear again (in the 2nd half of the set), id be happy to encode those in mp3s and post them online.


    Thanks for the great show everyone!



    really, i'd love to hear any of them that are prefaced/ended with some banter...i love banter



    post any!

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