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Posts posted by david



    Not a attitude, but a reply to a absurd post infering different solos by a guitarist on two songs in a set constitutes variety in a set. That must have taken great thought on the band's part to come up with that. What is next a different cadence by Glenn. Artists that are as talented as Wilco should challenge themselves night in and night out to switch things up more than they do. Why not try out new versions of a song we have heard many times and present it in a new light, ie what Springsteen has done many times (acoustic Born to Run) challenge the fans and not be so predictable, they have it in them to do so.

  2. Of course Pearl Jam did that. I mean they were a dozen years into the career at that point. It's the type of things that bands a dozen years in do. Right?


    No, for example Wilco does not and they are a dozen years in. This is not a slight towards Wilco but it is fact

  3. 1.)Not all bands who mix up their set are good.

    2.)Not all greats mix up their set.


    I agree,I would love a fresh set every night.I've seen Doc Watson back to back nights and he played the same exact set and told the same exact jokes/stories.I wouldn't change that for the world.Usally one out of say three Wilco shows I see a year are fantastic.I guess thats the chance I take.I still have a blast,it's good to get out of town for a night,see friends.I'm flying out to Denver for the same and I have a feeling that one of the nights will blow me away.And the PJ thing,well I guess it's the opposite comparison of bands I dislike.


    That is the most important part, the fun of seeing old friends, getting out of our everyday routine, and if the show blows us away then all the better. Have a good time!!!

  4. Usally they come before two weeks prior,if not then they will come as said.

    I always hated that week ass PJ comparison.Come up with some new material people.


    Why do you hate the PJ comparison, in regards to changing their set and guessing what is coming next they blow away Wilco, which if you see a band more than twice on a tour or listen to a live recording is what you are looking for. Why would somebody listen to more than two shows from a Wilco tour when they would both be mostly so similar. Great bands and performers mix up their sets night after night adding new songs, playing different versions, playing a great cover. Sadly Wilco while good to see live does not go that extra step and sit down and put much thought into their set on a nightly basis.

  5. After seeing their video and hearing the song "start a war" I am really excited for the release of this one, almost as excited as I am for sky blue sky here's a link to the video




    Fun looking back at theae posts before both SBS and the Boxer were released. Both can be compared to the extent that they are more laid back than previous efforts by both bands. In my opnion the Boxer just does more for me, than SBS. I have played both many times since their release and Boxer is still in heavy rotation, less so for SBS.

  6. ^^ i'm still enraptured by it almost 2 months after first hearing it... sometimes i think i need something to break me away from it, but oh well ;)


    I am feeling that way about all of their releases right now. I cannot quite put my finger on why I like them so much, but they are so addicting.

  7. Interesting? No. It would be have to be original to be considered interesting. This person isn't saying anything different than alot of people who find the album too mellow for them.


    SBS is great. It is great in relation to the rest of the Wilco catalog, and it is great in relation to the rest of the music being written and performed today.


    My opnion is SBS is ok, but I find myself playing the new one by The National alot more. This does not diminish the love I have for Wilco's music now or in the future. Just because we like a particular artist does not mean we have to like all of their releases. Which I feel people on this board do not get, and listen with blinders on.

  8. Wilco devotees will probably spend the next few weeks trying desperately to convince themselves that Sky Blue Sky is good music. But they'll be kidding themselves. For despite the fact that the album contains some potentially first rate material, none of the songs here rise above the uniformly dull surface. (Quoted from the post by m to the c)





    I FEEL THE SAME WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB.

  9. both are terrible and Neil Young isn't even American.


    edit: some people are taking this way too personally. it's a fucking car ad. it'll be here for a few months at best and then you can stop bitching about the moral integrity of people you don't know.


    there was also outrage expressed at THIS 90210 appearance:

    but then they went on to make some of the greatest music ever heard and appear again on Charmed. big deal. you guys are taking this way too seriously.


    What does being an American have to do with anything?

  10. Ronald Reagan used Bruce's Born in the USA...


    although Neil's song This Note's For You does show us his opinion.


    Without Bruce's consent for your information. Reagan used it as a rally song, when the song was in fact an indictment of the U.S.A. and the way it treated the Vietnam vets when they came home. Get your facts straight. Bruce never has and never will sell himself out ala Wilco. In the 70's and early 80's before he has any dough he had many chances to do so but felt he did not want to compromise his music in such a way

  11. When all is said and done...this will be an important album. It's a testament to the songwriting that its difficult to chose a favourite song. I feel like this is Wilco's White album.


    When it is all said and done SBS willl be regarded as just ordinary, which it is. Nothing that we have not heard before from lesser talents. Wilco's white album I do not think so, but I am confident that some day we might see it.

  12. Everything except "leave me" is pretty damn good. I just can't get into that one. I think What Light will be awesome when played at the right time live. Like when I'm wasted at the end of the show and just want to sing my ass off and sway back and forth like a drunk.


    You are a drunk, going to a Wilco show and getting "wasted" as you say is a waste of your time and I am sure the people around you would not appreciate you singing your ass off , it is not you we want to hear. Do me and true fans a favor and stay the hell home!!!!!!!!!!

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