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Everything posted by kbraz

  1. Mr. Heartbreak...forum sarcasm, cool I will take it as that! Been accused of alot of things but being racist that is a first.
  2. Atticus..."racist, hate filled post." Give me a break nothing racist about it. Was merely saying Dylan's voice now sounds like Armstrong which has nothing to do with race. And far from hating Dylan he is actually in my top 3 artists of all time. Just saying I can't stomach his voice on this song - your mileage may vary. I in fact have a substantial collection of both of these artists' music...I guess though if I want to listen to someone sound like Armstrong I'll turn to the real deal. And my Dylan listening goes from the first album to Street Legal. You could not be further from th
  3. That is some stellar work by Jay on the Telecaster...do miss that sound. Thanks for sharing.
  4. When did Dylan turn into Louie Armstrong...unlistenable to me and I am a huge Dylan fan. The music is nice but the voice ugh.
  5. ISO 2 tickets to the March 23 Clearwater show...will be vacationing in FL and would love to see the show. Thanks, Kyle
  6. Exactly on both accounts! Though Hendrix's "Machine Gun" solo is fantastic.
  7. Not to be contrary but I actually think the prices on used vinyl are a bit better at Solo Records (Royal Oak) than the Record Exchange (Ferndale). Record Exchange does have a somewhat better selection. Solo Records is definately worth checking out. Also to jump on the restaurant thread - you can't go wrong with Bastone, Ronin Sushi, Little Tree Sushi or Cafe Habana. Sangria across the street from the theater has decent tapas. Also if you are looking for a bar with a good jukebox check out Gusoline Alley (a dive bar) just a short walk from theater.
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