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About Mick

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    A Cherry Ghost
  1. Here's what Mark, the bassist, posted on their message board a few days ago. It might help you decide what you like. I have all their output and I think you should too, but Navigational and Distance and Clime are the ones I come back to most often. Album Spreadsheet, Baby! Heya Friends, I am putting the finishing touches on my little chart that helps newbies overcome the shock and awe experienced when facing our discography on the merch table for the first time. Rather than have any knife fights break out over my incompetent applications of #'s to my neo-logisms, I thought I might open the
  2. I think Battle Cry For Help is a little more raw and my favorite because of "Cottonmouth".
  3. This is all well and good, but how about Bob's worst one liners: http://www.expectingrain.com/jokes.html "Thanks everybody, you're too kind... You know, I was talking to Neil Young yesterday (audience cheers at the mention of Young) and he said to me, he said 'Bob, you just can't hear cool music on the radio anymore...' and I says to Neil, I says 'sure you just... (a decent pause) you just need to stick your radio in the refrigerator."
  4. Because the Court realized that the protections of the Bill of Rights are meaningless if they are read to only prohibit acts of the US government. For instance, Iowa decides to make the Church of England the state religion and all citizens are required to attend Sunday services or are subject to the death penalty. Without incorporation of the Bill of Rights against the states, that bastard Governor Tom Vilsack can say "You must have tea and cake with the vicar or you die because 'the 1st amendment refers to laws enacted by Congress'. CAKE OR DEATH!" Because the country was founded by ol
  5. That may all be true, but I don't feel it supports the argument that his kids should inherit the wealth created by his hard work, or luck, or cunning, tax-free. The income the enterprise generated was taxed along the way but not the growth in the value of the capital. Under our tax system, the capital gain is not taxed when property is inherited. The estate tax is a backstop to the capital gain that would other wise escape being taxed. Keep in mind, many large, taxable estates ($20mil -$30mil) pay no estate tax. There are many techniques to be employed to pass vast wealth to kids without
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