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drag ass snag

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Everything posted by drag ass snag

  1. hey all no-one here wants my ticket! i could put it on ebay, but as it'll be face value i'm worried it'll go to a tout rather than a fan, and i hate touts. can anyone recommend another wilco board, or a site for selling tickets? thanks
  2. Hey Sorry to ask a stupid question, but how the hell do you use a FLAC? I downloaded the thing, but can't open it in Media Player or iTunes. If it's a big file I'd like to change it into an mp3 for my ipod, but keep it in best possible quality to burn onto CD. Can someone please tell me how?? (Or tell me how to find out!) Thanks, and thanks lots for posting all this stuff.
  3. costello! the true elvis... 'he's got a mind like a sewer and a heart like a fridge. he stands to be insulted, and he pays for the privilege.' and the whole of beyond belief deserves quoting.
  4. i'm so glad they chose aquemini instead of the overrated stankonia. aquemini: best hip-hop album ever? closely followed by illmatic? i wonder why they went for radio city over sister lovers, the recording details and influence of which is surely much more interesting? i'd propose xtc's skylarking...
  5. 'dada in overalls'? woah, i wanna hear it! if only o'rourke was somehow involved then i'd already be imagining it as the great lost wilco album. wonder why they scrapped it? maybe it was recorded direct into jeff's laptop, then he accidentally erased it while decluttering his hard drive of failed fingerstyle and drone demos. the next day the band were like 'jeff, we're so excited about the new record!', 'i can't wait to read the reviews!', 'let's listen to it again!'. tweedy was like, 'boys, it doesn't work. it doesn't have, er, a meaningful flow, or real, umm, y'know dynamism. let's forg
  6. SFA OK! I'd go for.... REM -Automatic for the People Wilco - YHF Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks The Smiths - The Queen is Dead Marvin Gaye - What's Going On But what about Miles, or Joni, or 'Revolver', or 'Pet Sounds'??? I can't choose!
  7. I love Jeff's lyrics so much that sometimes when listening to them I literally explode with joy. Can anyone recommend other lyric-persons who write similar or comparable impressionistic/poetic/abstract lyrics? And quote a favourite line, yo. I'll start! Michael Stipe - 'Up to buy, Katie buys a kitchen-size, but not me in / Setting trap for the big kill, waste o' time, sitting still' Van Dyke Parks - 'Over and over the crow cries uncover the cornfield' Bob Dylan - 'Not a word was spoke between us, there was little risk involved / Everything up to that point had been left unresolved.'
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