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Posts posted by lamradio

  1.  Which method do you prefer? 


    The last several records I have done, it has been 75% overdubs, but this is because of limited space and musicians.   :)


    There's something to be said for recording live and it can really bring out the chemistry in a band, but I have found that both live and overdubbing can bring the same sounding results.  If you want to still get a good cohesive sound, I think its important to have a good click-track to start with.  


    For example, a full band recording with drums, the click-track should be a metronome with a rough mix of rhythm guitar and lead vocals.  The drummer and bass player can then play along with this to lay down their parts at the same time (or separately  depending on your available inputs on your board).  A good drummer can play along with the metronome with no issues.  After the rhythm section is laid down, its really a matter of preference on what you lay down next (usually guitars, misc instruments, vocals last).  


    I have done 4 full length records using this method and have been very happy with the results.  

  2. I'm still soaking it in, but I am enjoying it.  I am a big fan of the other 3 records as well.  Between Romano & Ferrio, there's some great country music coming out of Canada these days.


    It's great because I have been spreading this music any chance I get between friends and family and they eat it up.. Especially with my family who have been pop-country fans for years. (I don't blame them.. it's all that they have been exposed to).  If artists like Romano and Ferrio had widespread exposure, they very well could revolutionize country music.  Definitely on a much larger scale than small record labels and 30 person night club shows.  Although I'm not so sure that would be a good thing if they did... 

  3. Ah, didn't realize it was general admission.  Might have to re-consider.  I got my Flaming Lips fill last year seeing them at The Tabernacle in Atlanta.  Hell of a show. 


    I like the Grey Eagle a lot, nice little intimate venue.  I saw Justin Townes Earle there last year.  Plus it's always good to see a show in Asheville, one of my favorite towns. 

  4. Just now getting a chance to report on the show in Athens.  


    It was great as I expected, although way too short.. But I guess that's what you have to expect when he was the opener.  He really should have been headlining, but its understandable as Daniel Romano is still pretty unknown, at least in the U.S.


    His line-up on this tour has been a trio; him on guitar/vocals, a pedal steel player (which is excellent) and a snare drum player.  


    He played a few songs off the new record, "I'm Not Crying Over You", "Chicken Bill" (which was a blast), and then my personal favorite "A New Love (Can Be Found)".  I was surprised that he didn't play "Middle Child".  He also played several songs I had not heard before, which was a treat.  And of course he played "Time Forgot" off his previous record, which was exceptionally good with the scaled back line-up.


    Not too much in between song banter, he just gets up there and takes care of business.  I was also happy to meet him after the show, seemed very friendly.  I got to thank him for helping to return Country music to the way it should sound.


    I hope he makes it down again this way soon.  Would love to see him headline somewhere preferably with his full band.  

  5. Hey, I live G-Ville too: it's nice to see another Wilco fan from the area.  My brother and I are hitting up the Black Keys show in SImpsonville too.  We're more Flaming Lips fans, but I like the Keys as well.


    Probably not going to make that.  Like I mentioned before, I'm kind of a snob when it comes to venues, and I don't want to see the Keys enough to drop the extra cash for assigned seats, and I'd rather just get drunk in the parking lot than sit on the lawn.


    They played at The Orange Peel a year or so ago.. Wish I could have seen that, but it sold out in a millisecond (that was back when they were really blowing up). 

  6. I've always said it's difficult to have two musical genius's in one band (for which Jeff and Jay certainly are/were).  There are exceptions of course (Lennon McCartney), but I think most of the time, an artist has a certain vision and there is little, if any, wiggle room for that vision. 

  7. Completely stoked about seeing him in Atlanta Saturday.  Last minute show at what looks to be a small coffee joint.  There's no info on the venue site for tickets or anything so I'm slightly concerned, but either way, I'm driving to Atlanta on Saturday.  :dj


    Edit, turns out it is in Athens, Ga, not Atlanta.  If anyone here is in the area, don't miss what I'm sure will be a great show. 

  8. Have not been to a show in way too long.. All the bands I want to see aren't coming anywhere within driving distance, and every other band I like I don't really care to see them anytime soon, and/or they are playing a huge amphitheater.. Not to sound snobby, but I refuse to go to arena or amphitheater concerts anymore, but will make exceptions... Going to see Eric Clapton at an amphitheater in April. 


    Maybe there should be a "want to see live tonight" thread.  I really want to see:


    Heartless Basterds

    Black Keys (smaller place.. but that probably ain't going to happen anytime soon, they're huge now)

    Daniel Romano

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