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Posts posted by lamradio

  1. re: Weezer - I understand not wanting more, but I always hope for a return to greatness.


    Deep down, I still hope for that greatness too.. But I'm afraid that Rivers will never stop cranking out the assembly line pop songs as long as the suckers keep buying them.  He's got it made in the shade. 

  2. Think of it as a long term relationship with a man/woman.  At first you are head over heels in love.  Then after a while you still love that person to death, but you are no longer "in love" with them.  Every once in a while, something happens to make you fall back "in love", but eventually the head over heels "In love" feeling starts to fade.


    I have been listening to Wilco since 1996.  I haven't seen Wilco live in over 3 years, and don't plan to anytime soon.  But ever so often I will hear them on the radio, or catch a live tune on concert TV, and I get all giddy like a school girl... If only for a moment. 

  3. Well its not often you see Wilco all walking together in public, let alone somewhere I could push them on an unsuspecting family member.  I'm sure after pushing one or two of the members, they would get pretty irritated and push back.. Especially Jeff, he's been known to push fans if they manage to grab him on stage..

  4. I think "Shake It Off" was written specifically to be a piss break song, hence the title. 


    "Handshake Drugs" is probably my only piss break song.  The first couple times I heard it live, loved it.. But after you've heard it 3 or 4 times, it's like "ok enough of the noise guys, we get it"... Piss break. 


    I talk like I'm a regular Wilco concert goer.  I haven't seen them live in 3 years.


    Piss break.

  5. I think there are enough fans here now, it is time Dan got his own thread. 


    The new album "Come Cry With Me" is streaming here in its entirety:




    Absolutely love it so far.. Personal favorites, "Middle Child", "Just Between You and Me".  "He Let Her Memory Go Wild".. The last track "A New Love (Can Be Found)" is also a great acoustic ballad. 


    This is what real country music is supposed to sound like.

  6. I got her album over the weekend. I don't think I'm going to get any more of her recordings. She's really good live, but for me, her albums tend to be pretty bland. They come off as a competent singer with a competent band, which is sad since everyone on the album is far better than just competent. I had high hopes that this one would be the album to break her out of that rut, but it's more of the same.


    Agreed.  It's not bad, but bland is a good word for it.  Kelly has a nice voice but the music overall is just too Tonight Show Band or something...

  7. Wouldn't think Dr. Dog already has another after and album and recent EP in 2012, but maybe they already talked about it somewhere I didn't see.


    I heard somewhere they were working on a new album to be released this year.  Those guys are work horses.  I really liked Be The Void, but it didn't seem to age very well.  I find myself going back to their earlier albums and passing that one over..



    Wonder what happened to the Sunny Day Real Estate reunion album? I figured the Foo Fighters last album/tour put it on halt. Now I'm wondering if the latest Dave project will steal Mendel yet again.


    Forgot all about that, really was looking forward to it.  Hope we hear some news soon..



    Weezer has seemed quiet.


    Thank God. 

  8. St. Vincent - Exceeded my expectations.  I'm not the biggest fan in the world, but she puts on a great show (not to mention she's smokin hot) 


    Justin Townes Earle (twice) - Also exceeded my expectations.  You'll see posts all over this board about how great of a performer he is..


    Beach House - They aren't exactly the best at showmanship (pretty much just stand there the whole time with no banter), but the sound and tightness of the band make it an excellent show to see. 

  9. Last time I saw Justin (about a year ago) he was playing with pre-recorded tracks so that it sounded like three guitars (because it was.)  He may not have been doing that the night you saw him.  He is a good picker though.




    Are you positive it was pre-recorded tracks?  He really is that good....

  10. My father and I had a conversation the other day that some day, all of the rock legends will be gone.  How strange will that be when there is no Eric Clapton, or no Paul McCartney, or no Keith Richards. 


    Well that day is practically here for Jazz, with only a few of the original jazz legends still living.  Dave Brubeck was certainly one of those.  RIP Dave. 

  11. I agree that MMJ puts on a hell of a show, but I think it depends on the venue.. This is probably the same for any band, but I miss the days of when they played smaller places, Wilco size places.  I saw then in a large outdoor amphitheater in Atlanta for the first time.  Maybe it was the crappy sound quality, maybe it was the drunk douchebags talking and walking up and down the isles the whole show, but I left the show pretty disappointed...

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