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Posts posted by Scalzunfield

  1. I don't know.


    I'm really set on Nels over Bennett in terms of a performer. There's no doubt in my mind that, on stage, I'd rather have Nels ripping it up next to Jeff than Jay and day of the week.


    In terms of a studio wizard and musical guru, I'd take Jay any day of the week.


    I like the albums of the Jay B era much more than the two most recent ones, but the current live lineup continues to baffle me and keep me going back (show #30 in Milwaukee next month!)

  2. i can see not liking him. but lame music? come on. guy's a talented (albeit complete asshole) musician


    I just still cannot figure out the draw. Maybe it's due to the fact that all I ever hear anymore are 1999 and Little Red Corvette and I'm sure those aren't an accurate representation of his entire catalog, but they sure don't inspire me to check out more. In fact, they have what has become known as the "Hey There Delilah" effect on me: songs so mediocre and overplayed, I want to never hear of the band/singer again.


    I do dig the song Purple Rain alright and enjoyed that part of the Super Bowl halftime performance, but that's about the end of things for me with Prince. I heard most of his most recent album from someone at work and it wasn't quite vomit-inducing, but it was a pretty rough listen.


    And great musicians make lame music all the time.

  3. this was the request show ?


    I love that they did Cars, but Casino Queen ? do we need that.


    maybe i'm mad Jeff won't play When You Wake Up...


    Having been there, I can definitely say Casino Queen was needed...and much enjoyed. Still can't get over what an incredible encore it was. The whole show really.

  4. My Wii high is a 248, although I'm pretty sure I average around a 180.

    My real life high is a 223, although I'm pretty sure I average a 120.


    In any case, I've figured out how to dupe the Wii in bowling quite regularly. I sit in a recliner with my arm danging over the side and simply move all the way to the right side of the lane, rotate the wii remote so it's sideways in my hand (the buttons facing the side of the recliner) and flick my wrist. The spin carries the ball left across half the lane and into the pocket virtually every time and, as an added bonus, the game is programmed in a way that, even if you move your body all the way to the LEFT side on the lane and flick your wrist in the same manner and have it go RIGHT across the lane and into the pocket.


    In other words, I'm fairly certain that if you're a righty and line up on the left side of the lane and curve like a normal righty does, the ball will curve as though you've thrown a curve as a lefty normally would.

  5. It certainly a better song and closer than............ say, "I'm a Wheel" :yucky



    I'll take I'm A Wheel or Outtamind to close a show anyday before taking CQ. I still love CQ, but I'd rather hear those other two in a live setting any day of the week.

  6. Well Kicking Television was a combination of 4 nights of hard work. But it's far from why exactly I love Wilco.


    I keep hoping they'll release the 4th night of stuff in its entirety. That show demonstrated exactly why Wilco is my favorite band. They had numerous technical issues throughout the show that ended with Jeff just playing an acoustic and the band doing very abnormal songs for the "usual" setlist. They responded to all the issues by playing what is the greatest concert I've personally attended in my 23 years. Check out the setlist.

  7. Mysterious Production > Armchair


    Armchair still has not grasped me all the way through: I find myself so thoroughly giddy after the first 4 tracks that the rest is somewhat of a letdown.


    That and I haven't come back to it very often since I got it makes it merely a candidate for a top 10 this year. It won't be near #1.

  8. ugh no it doesnt


    I'm pretty sure 1/10th of that list was Radiohead.


    And I've yet to hear a single thing by Radiohead that makes me say "wow." I may be in the minority on that, but they're not that great. I can understand a few songs by them on there because I know they have a fairly sizable fan base but please...

  9. The building solo completely makes the song and how, right at the crescendo of Nels' solo, the whole band kicks into that G down to Em chord progression...that makes it.


    You're not gonna make many new fans taking out the best portions of the songs.

  10. 51K7W5SVKJL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-dp-500-arrow,TopRight,45,-64_OU01_AA240_SH20_.jpg


    I'm taking some time doing some very light reading right now and digging my way through Tom Clancy's Op-Center series. I purchased the first 8 books roughly 3 years ago used through eBay for maybe 20 bucks and have never actually sat down to read through them. Quite entertaining actually.

  11. All time favorite, yes.


    Spoon, Pavement, and The Decemberists are all within striking distance though.


    I just haven't seen any band live near as many times as I have Wilco (I want to say the Decemberists are about 23 performances behind).

  12. Too lazy to link photos...this week I've been regularly spinning:


    Jarvis Cocker - Jarvis

    Blitzen Trapper - Wild Mountain Nation

    Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

    White Stripes - Icky Thump

    Elliott Smith - Figure 8


    I finally discovered Jarvis' and Elliott's music (thanks bittorrent!) and am really thrilled by it.

  13. I've had enough of Spiders to last a looooooong time. So one of my requests for the show is an absence of that song. I'm pretty sure they've played it at every single show I've been to for the past two or three years now.


    And I'm just assuming here, but I'm pretty sure IATTBYH hasn't been out of a setlist for 5 years now, so I'd be willing to bet my bank account on hearing it that night.

  14. They were playing Monday quite a bit last year. As of right now the 10/04 performance at Purdue was the most recent one though.


    Ideal set for me (combining the most likely to be played with a few more obscure hopes):

    Side With The Seeds

    Shot In The Arm

    Late Greats


    War On War

    You Are My Face

    Impossible Germany

    When The Roses Bloom Again

    Hate It Here

    Sky Blue Sky

    Box Full Of Letters

    Jesus etc.

    Handshake Drugs



    Pot Kettle Black




    Poor Places>


    Airline To Heaven



    I'm Always In Love

    I'm A Wheel

    On & On


    Is that too much to ask?

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